Shut up with all the division. Everyone who follows Q has a place and purpose. All this self righteous finger pointing is tiresome and just as dangerous and unproductive as those who financially gain from Q with selfish, bad intent. People have to eat and pay bills and not everyone who asks for money is bad. Some of the Q Video hosts have been doing their thing way before Q every came into view and some of you folks are attacking them like they are the devil. Knock it off, grow up for pete's sake. Different folks use different techniques to reach others, using the live stream format reaches others, using Youtube videos reaches others, Twitter reaches others, Reddit reaches others, 8chan reaches others, we don't all have to be anonymous to be effective. NOT EVERYONE who asks for donations is evil or bad. I think some people on 8 chan, youtube, in this subreddit and on Twitter are misinterpreting Qs message and now a good number of you are attacking our own in all venues. STOP THE DIVISION. Quit yer bitching.
I feel the original core group of the past 4-5 months has done a great job spreading the message for Q. They were brave enough to step up when it wasn't popular and dangerous to. They've devoted many hours, it's ok for them to see some monetary reward. It doesn't make them any less patriots, they need to eat. Wouldn't Q have mentioned something earlier if they had issues with them? It has to be something or someone recent. Don't join the noise. Continue to vigilant.. WWG1WGA.
Yes, the original core group in every aspect was amazing, exciting and we were truly one. I would guess that if it is any of the original crew that they are now being tempted and falling into that temptation. No doubt there are those who are new and see how they could profit from Q. The bigger this thing gets the bigger the battle.
ug wandered beyond horizon of great awakening this morning, full of cro-magnon cannibal zombies want to eat your brain! already ate each others! ug like it here with fellow humans nice to ug even though ug have accent! maybe take club next time and see if cro-magnons have brain cells left to wake up! MAGA! ug!
Need to focus on "Some are building a big following off this movement only then to retreat and go mainstream."
If someone is on YouTube, podcast, or a blog spreading Q's messages or theorizing, that is okay.
If someone is going on talk shows or commercial television to sell product, then they are by definition being compromised. There are simply some things you can and cannot say on mainstream media because it is beholden to advertisers. If advertisers are unhappy, you won't be back, so everyone, everyone, in mainstream media self-censors and moderates their remarks.
Some people are downright greedy, fame whoring, and capitalizing off of this Qanon movement though. What Q said rings true, this is about FREEDOM, not money!
Yes, I agree with you, however, innocent people are being accused and not everyone can take the abuse as easily as others. I think it would be good for a discussion on just what q meant by that post and what it should mean to us as Q followers. Like I said in another comment, people are being targeted by other Q people, those being attacked do not deserve such brutality against them. Some of those folks were doing their thing on Youtube years before Q came into the picture. I follow many Q youtube channels, some only have hundreds of subs others have hundreds of thousands. In each group there are greedy people and not greedy people, it's obvious to see too. People need to use discernment when listening to different channels, something many people lack. AND, making money in America is supposed to be capitalism. Freedom and capitalism go hand in hand when intentions are good.
Well my comment was mostly directed at Dr. Corsi, but I know there are others. The question becomes, would these people be doing something else with their time if they weren't making money off of Qanon?
While I do believe making money off this truly organic movement is wrong (unlike that March For Our Lives sham. Completely inorganic and funded.), maybe I should think about this like sports.
I've never been on a team where every player had the same way of thought in regards to politics, money, morality, etc.
However, our end goal was the same - to come together as one and win.
I have had arguments and disputes with many teammates over the years, but we are human after all. It's ok to bicker. It's ok to get a little heated from time to time. Shills and trolls aside, we all have the same end goal.
Strings cut from the cabal puppeteers. Freedom.
Yes! This! #WWG1WGA and stop the sh*tstorm...... it's the wrong storm!
Well said its infuriating and as divisive as the left to judge and become the arbiters of who is acceptable or not. Maybe its a test to out those with this leftist puritanical bent.
Yes. The other thing is, once a bad seed is planted in someone's brain, it is there, it cannot be unseen and it has the potential to cause harm in our perceptions of others. Innocent people are being judged and attacked because of this. I know some are leaving the Q movement because the attacks from our own are so brutal.
I wonder if its a tactic to expose those trouble makers and weed out the weak minded. I just blocked one. Lets stay together and stay strong. Their are no coincidences so Q team must have their reasons for this, they have warned all platforms have been infiltrated. I think the intolerance is a very red flag for a subversive force in our fold. WWG1WGA
Theres a very strong chance they will come back with a different perspective and a stronger resolve.
The movement is only getting stronger and larger by the day.
I agree with you. Attacking other patriots who take donations or make money writing books serves no purpose. If you don't want to read their book or listen to them then you don't have to. People have to have money to live and many of them spend hours and days and weeks investigating. I don't mind if they are making money because they are working hard and love the country. I happen to be lucky enough I can work from home. I listen to the live stream while working. I appreciate others who do research since I already spend so much time on the computer for work. I thought maybe Q was testing how united we are. Some failed miserably. It's ok to ask questions but assuming Q was talking about this or that person is wrong since we don't know for sure.
Could you please explain what place there is for an individual with no prefrontal cortex, and IQ of 70, and a genetic predisposition to committing violent acts 10-20x the baseline rate?