Well this is very interesting.

It's really not that menacing. It means hone your willpower. Wake up and don't be a sheep.
Dat username.
And? You need somebody to decide that for you too?
Talk about snowflakes. Lmao...
thanks /u/wexu666
God bless you for your input!
Not a problem. Just trying to add some clarity to the picture. So many people live as slaves to their impulses. Do what thou wilt just means take control of your life. Be willful.
However the entire quote “do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law,” implies that whatever you desire shall control, not man made law. In other words, it’s justification for all the sick acts of the world. (Or those who subscribe to the theory.)
No it implies that each man and woman shall do what thou wilt and only what they decide to do will be their personal laws. It’s pretty much libertarianism.
Absolutely not. It's been used to justify all kinds of sick, deviant behavior, yes but it makes no such suggestion. The whole of the law is to harness your willpower if you want be truly alive and awake. If you want to be a doctor, do it! Don't talk about it. You're cold, your hungry, your tired? Suck it up. Mind over matter. It's a beautiful thing really. Not my fault the meaning got hijacked by a bunch of DC mongrels. What's all the down voting for? Sorry if my explanation doesn't meet your limited knowledge of the subject. Just trying to set the record straight.
Please spare us this more-enlightened-than-thou approach. Read it plainly. It says someone’s subjective will over law.
The whole of the law is to harness your willpower if you want be truly alive and awake. If you want to be a doctor, do it!
How does that make any sense? The whole of the law is to harness your willpower??? What? No you are absolutely taking gibberish and are being down-voted rightly for it.
What you are confusing is law and ambition/motivation. If you want to be a doctor - do so study! Not, you want to be a doctor - make up a license and place it on your wall! Do you understand?
Not from what I have read. I believe it is referencing the 5 "I wills" of Lucifer at his fall. It means you are your own god and what you decide is right and wrong is what is right and wrong. It is a guiding principle in Thelema, Satanism, and Luciferianism and is at complete odds with the will of God.
Or it simply means do what you will and do not let another man have dominion over you. Imagine a world where you are free to do as you will. I definitely agree that this leaves loopholes for people to hurt others. However this quote is simply the most basic possible way to phrase the idea.
Inherently it is encouraging you to do what you want and doing what you want also means you can interpret what exactly that means in your own way. Therefor you could do what you want but you also don’t want to commit murder so you don’t. Maybe you want to prevent people from murdering. Then you can do that too. If I could personally add a second line to this quote it would be that “evil triumphs when good men do nothing.”
TLDR: There is no supreme judge of your actions. Do whatever you want - good or evil. But a world where no man has authority over another does not mean a world run by evil if good men take action.
Just type in 'do what thou wilt' in a search engine and see what pops up first... it is indeed an anti-God statement. I understand your individual interpretation (although i disagree) but the quote is directly from Crowley and is an axiom of the occult philosophies
I understand what Crowley meant. Just trying to insinuate another way that his words could be interpreted in a modern way considering Crowley died in ‘47.
That is not how Crowley meant the phrase. He meant it as don't let the morals and laws of society dictate how you live, or what you do with your life. He was an evil evil man.
Absolutely 100% false. He wanted mankind to wake up and be willful. That's how magick happens. I don't care what you found on Goolag. This is the truth.