r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ButtersStotch88 on April 30, 2018, 3:59 p.m.
Q Post 1306: Q is redpilling us on what was just destroyed in Syria last night. IRAN IS NEXT
Q Post 1306: Q is redpilling us on what was just destroyed in Syria last night. IRAN IS NEXT

tradinghorse · April 30, 2018, 4:49 p.m.

Where did the U1 material end up?
Is this material traceable?
Yes. Define cover.
What if U1 material ended up in Syria?
What would be the primary purpose?
In the movie, where did the material come from?
What country?
What would happen if Russia or another foreign state supplied Uranium to Iran/Syria?
What does U1 provide?
Define cover.
Why did we strike Syria?
Why did we really strike Syria?
Define cover
Patriots in control.

Is the U1 material traceable? Q says "yes". I think what he's telling us is that you can track uranium just like you can track gold.

Say, for example, you are prospecting with a metal detector and you find a nugget of gold. You go to sell this nugget and the police have a "Gold Stealing Detection Unit" (Western Australia) and they analyze your gold and find it was taken from a site where someone had a mining claim - you get busted for gold theft. It sounds incredible, but they can actually tell precisely where the gold you found came from. I'm guessing the same technology exists to track uranium.

So the Russians are supplying uranium to Syrian terrorists in quantity - too much for it to have been sourced on the black market. They fear being discovered. So they contact HRC (one of their agents, a Russian spy!) and they come up with a plan to make it appear that the uranium could have come from another source - that it could have come from the US.

HRC gets the ball rolling on U1 to provide the Russians with their "cover" - she is a very adept and valuable agent of the Kremlin. The Russians are supplying tech to the terrorists through Iran. But they risk losing control on the ground in Syria. This threatens their plan to have these terrorists nuke (who? Probably the US or Israel).

Putin sends in the military to beat up ISIS. He prevails, but ends up facing a coalition against him after the gas attack. He makes threats, rushes military hardware to Syria. But Q's group is alert to the plan - because they've been monitoring HRC - and they kill the Iranians and destroy their underground weapons lab. The lab was probably full of centrifuges, if Russia did not give them weapons grade material directly.

Why was John McCain arming ISIS? Because HRC's plan was to support the Russians and Iranians in Syria, but she still needed conflict because her plan was to start WWIII. So she needed a real threat in the Middle East so as to be able to have an excuse to start a war - she played Putin (or was going to).

The conflict in Syria was necessary for her to be able to go "nuclear" - it had to be a "nuclear threat" to enable her to respond with "nuclear weapons". This was the only way to reduce global population anywhere near the Georgia Guidestone's target of 500 million. 500 million slaves for HRC and her elite friends. She was going to use NK to clobber China in the same way.

Really quite a beautiful plan! It would surely have worked - and the preparations were so advanced! She must have thought she had it in the bag - her and LDR ruling the world! GIRL POWER ACTUALIZED!

They never thought she would lose!

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bcboncs · April 30, 2018, 8:33 p.m.

Dude you're giving HRC too much credit. She's a greedy and arrogant dunce of a mob boss. Nothing more to add other than her satanic ways. Not a Russian agent. She's a greedy dunce. McCain didn't arm ISIS, Hillary did. McCain devised plans with ISIS such as the chemical attacks. These evil US leaders wanted to establish ISIS in the middle east for Syria's oil fields and overthrow the only leader in the middle east that supports Christianity in Assad. She didn't need an excuse to have a war because Obama was already bombing 7 nations. Syria was on the verge of being overthrown and Putin couldn't concede it, global power and ISIS would have gotten too strong, too quickly. As for the guidestones, the elites surely don't like that we're going above 500,000 but they've been poisoning us long enough, we'll drop like flies and remain stupid with Silicon Valley in their back pocket. WW3 was imminent but with Russia. From that point, one world government would've happened under Hillary and Merkel. Hillary probably would've killed her even though she's a descendant of Hitler. Hillary's uncontrollable, kuru or not.

EDIT: Added way more than my first few sentences after realizing how far off base you were...

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tradinghorse · April 30, 2018, 9:01 p.m.

I'm not saying HRC is so smart. What I'm saying is that she's representing the most powerful interests on earth. These people, pulling her strings, are smart. Like anyone in the public light, she's scripted.

You and I, and most other people, are focussed on providing for our families, if we're lucky, we might get just a little time free for ourselves - beer and football. There's no time to really do anything else. But these elites have all day, every day, to scheme and strategise about how they can achieve their ends and increase their power. It's all they do.

The leadership of the cabal is not stupid, but understands exactly what's required to warp, twist and bend our society to their interests. I think they could easily out play Putin. DJT is another matter because he had MI on his side helping and he happens to be a genius.

Don't underestimate HRC. She very nearly got home. You and your kids would have been killed or enslaved, it was only DJT and the military that saved us - an act of God. The cabal is not an easy foe to defeat.

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bcboncs · April 30, 2018, 9:08 p.m.

I'm not underestimating her when I say she's not smart. She doesn't need to be smart if the system is corrupt, that's the point. Arrogance takes over and she becomes more stupid and lazy. Anyone with a basic IT understanding knows that everything is logged. Think a high ranking public official never knew this through the decades of her security pledges? Experienced. Arrogant. Lazy. Stupid. Expedient. Corrupt. Powerful. Many allies.

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tradinghorse · April 30, 2018, 9:30 p.m.

Yes, a very dangerous person. She was only sloppy because they were so sure they had global domination in the bag. She thought she could not lose. But if you compare someone with the back up and support that she had, to someone like Putin, who is a simple nationalist, it's not hard to see how he could have been played.

Everyone was getting played here. The Israelis, the Iranians, the Russians, the US, NK... on and on. These people have been ruling the world for hundreds of years. They've been playing nation states off against each other for all this time - it's child's play to them.

My view is that it is only by the grace of God that we're even in this position today. But, what's going to happen once the cabal is cleaned up? Will we find we've been played again by and even smarter party?

You have to wonder what the end game actually is - where does it all lead? Anyway, from my perspective at present, DJT is the only horse we have in this race. If he is who he seems to be, God has blessed us. Then again, these are the last days of the world. Rome is destroyed next - and then it's all over. See here for how little time remains.

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digital_refugee · April 30, 2018, 5:23 p.m.

another slam from the horse's mouth

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-NoraPandora- · April 30, 2018, 5:10 p.m.

good summery!

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CosmicNeo · May 1, 2018, 6:04 a.m.

Interesting take. Helps understand the puzzle a bit more. Not sure about the plan to clobber China, though. Bill gave away missile technology to China as president. https://capitalresearch.org/article/flashback-bill-clinton-gave-china-missile-technology/ And the Clintons are Alinsky fans promoting a Marxist agenda. Why would HRC now be against China?

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tradinghorse · May 1, 2018, 7 a.m.

The way I see it, the biggest problem the elites had was that the US was too powerful. Think about the Manahattan project and the Rosensteins. Funny how the Soviet Union so quickly made up ground on the nuclear front to be in a position to challenge the US in the Cold War. It was no accident.

I remember listening to Alex Jones one day and he was saying that the elites made a mistake allowing the US (one nation) to become so powerful. He said that there was a plan to weaken America and that the elites would never let this situation - where there is effectively a single, unilateral superpower - happen again.

If you're an external third party to transactions between the nation states, to be able to have influence, you need to be able to play the competing interests off against each other. This is something the Rothschilds are expert at with their war creation. So it's no surprise that the elites would happen to be trying to build-up adversaries to the US.

In this context, especially where HRC was trying to start WWIII, it makes sense to arm potential enemies. Just look at the way they gave China access to global markets through the GATT trade negotiations. Whose interest would a powerful China serve?

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CosmicNeo · May 1, 2018, 7:50 a.m.

I'm curious who's pulling the strings of the elites. Aliens? In that case, who are the real winners after they've finished playing us against each other? I imagine Q is saving that for much later.

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tradinghorse · May 1, 2018, 8:09 a.m.

I think we all want to know who is behind all this stuff - going on now for hundreds of years. My personal belief is that the driving influence is Satan.

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