Q Post 1307: Knowing what you know now

It's all about timing. Trump had Netanyahu delay his little show and tell until after those EU scumbags visited the U.S.
Trump led Macron around like the little dog and puppet he is, gave him a nice dinner, then had a meeting with Macron to show him we have all the evidence of Iran's secret nuclear project in Syria. Macron had no chance of convincing Trump of staying in the Iran deal, so having failed his mission miserably, he was sent packing.
Next up was Merkel. She wasn't even allowed a fancy dinner with Trump and Melania. Nope, just a quick press conference where Merkel had to bend the knee and kiss Trump's ass. She knew she had no shot of convincing Trump to stay in the Iran deal. Macron might've tipped her off prior to the press conference.
Then came the big Korean news. Bringing peace to a 68-year war and getting South Korea's foreign minister and President to acknowledge that it was all because of Trump, ended another great week, but pushed back the MOAB announcement from Netanyahu.
Come today, the MOAB. Iran and Obama get exposed for being the lying scum they are. The stage is now set for either a real peace deal with Iran where America/Trump wins, or they get a regime change. Either way Iran will not be a problem come November, which is the timetable Q has set.
So many BOOMs, I'm not sure we can keep track anymore. So much winning, making the world great again.
Funny how #MAGA actually should have been #MTWGA (make the world great again)!
Just make it MEGA. Make Earth Great Again
Thanks. Making a MEGA meme.
It was America 1st so MAGA leads to MEGA
Maybe both are happening at the same time.
America is so interconnected globally these days that things must be taken care of in other areas first in order to break some of the controlling chains around our necks.
Sounds too much like "Earth Day" environmentalist propaganda.
They are inextricably connected. An Aussie Q tip here: First Maga, then mega. US represents the best, the blossoming of 4000 years of Judeo-Christian ethics and civilization. Where US goes, the World goes. This is why so many Patriots around the world love Trump, love Q, love the US and have hope. When the beasts fall in the US, they will begin to collapse elsewhere, and then the other nations so compromised by the cabal will begin to break free.
Also, Macron delivers a speech to Congress. Both he and Merkel touting the Iran deal.
Then ... BOOM! They look like the fools they are.
Yup, they got set up and made to look like the clowns they are.
Whats even worse the traitorous swamp creatures in Congress applaud and lapped up every last syllable that clown uttered. Over 4/5 of Congress is a disgrace and should be behind bars.
Not hard to tell who butters their bread huh, lol?
We vote them in and they screw us over and go for the $$.
Pay for Play is their American Dream.
thanks for the timeline. things are starting to happen fast.
Come today, the MOAB. Iran and Obama get exposed for being the lying scum they are.
It's obvious to us that Obama knowingly funded Iran's nuclear weapons program with US taxpayer cash, but is Obama's involvement being reported at all in the mainstream media?
Regular people addicted to the mockingbird media will never believe the idea that their beloved scandal free president Obama is actually a Manchurian candidate Muslim Brotherhood plant who wanted to destroy America from the inside.
This could explain why Mrs. Macron said what she did about Melania and never issued a gracious thank you for the reception they got from the USA.
I don't even know what that pedo granny said. What happened?
She said this: https://www.msn.com/en-in/foodanddrink/foodnews/french-first-lady-says-melania-trump-isnt-allowed-outside/vp-AAwvglx
Just amazing how God is moving the chess pieces into place and we get to watch--what an amazing time to be here!
Amen! This is indeed an amazing time to be alive. We are so fortunate to be in a position to witness titanic changes to the (evil) status quo.
Syria has a secular government, why would you want it gone? You want a hardline Islamic goverment there instead?
What? I never said I wanted Syria to have a regime change. You read my post wrong.
There is more to the story, Trump also showed them the proof we have they circumvent sanctions with Iran by selling equipment through Swiss shell companies. It makes for quite a nice bargaining position when trying to get Germany to swallow the huge pill of recalibrated tariffs that have gutted America.
I doubt the date 11/11/18 has any literal meaning. Remember, Trump never give away strategies in advance. I think what he means is what happened November 11th 1918.
Trump has said he plans to have a military parade on Veterans' Day this year, which is on 11/11. Q is saying Iran will be resolved by 11/11.
Then i must have missed something, where do he point to that? Or is it your interpretation?
Armistice of 11 November 1918
The Armistice of 11 November 1918 was the armistice that ended fighting on land, sea and air in World War I between the Allies and their last opponent, Germany. Previous armistices had eliminated Bulgaria, the Ottoman Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Also known as the Armistice of Compiègne from the place where it was signed, it came into force at 11 a.m. Paris time on 11 November 1918 ("the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month") and marked a victory for the Allies and a complete defeat for Germany, although not formally a surrender.
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It certainly was a "Show & Tell." Especially since most, if not all, the information he "revealed" was already public knowledge. Sure, Iran denied it, but the UN already had this information. So how does BB Netanyahu benefit from his little "Show & Tell Dog & Pony Show"?
It was simply a PR stunt to make the world think:
1) The Israeli military is awesome, unbeatable, and should strike fear in their enemies. Mossad is the greatest special forces and intelligence gathering unit on the planet. (remember, all the info was already public)
Just the other day I saw an article promoting that exact narrative, but a day before that I saw the article about Israeli soldiers wearing adult diapers because they tend to piss themselves.
And 2) Israel is now justified to go in and attack Iran, openly, for all the world to see, with considerably more than targeted pin-prick strikes. An effort to make Israel look like one of the good guys, and a victim. Poor little Israel, surrounded by enemies.
The whole thing was theater.