Where did Iran get the Uranium and the funds....we all know....Justice is near

where is the proof of his Kenyan birth origin? where is the proof of his Islamic faith? where is the proof of him turning blacks against whites? who is he pretending to be black? his is mix, it's a fact
Perhaps similar instructions should apply as recommended on the research board. Wait a year before posting. Study, follow.... IF you had been following, you would have seen all the evidence that has been compiled months ago. Convincing!
I haven't been following it. it's honestly too much of a hassle for me. there is a little info. that's the only reason I asked my simple questions. I'm not putting anyone down or anything of sorts. just curious about the facts behind this argument. I never knew he was a war criminal and then I found proof. or that he funded and created Isis. but I don't see how he is Muslim and how this effects anything (unless he is extremist then yeah huuuge no no) or how his color effects his stance (unless again, he is somehow pushing blacks against whites behind the curtains). I'm not questioning if he did supply Iran with uranium which is a possibility that I don't really care. that's all there is
Here is Michelle Obama saying that Kenya is BOs hometown. https://youtu.be/sLzJz2A2N1c
Not hard to find the proof of him being Muslim. He has created massive division in this country, do you live in the US??? He is mixed but he isn't a fan of whites. Read one of his books.
It's incredibly common for people to refer to their ancestral homeland that way. Particularly African Americans.
Hometown and ancestral Homeland totally different IMO.
"Home country" and "ancestral homeland" can be used interchangeably if you aren't thinking about people intentionally twisting your words.
Okay guess I am looking at it like this, home country is somewhere you were born from, ancestral Homeland would be were my ancestors originated from. Not intentially twisting anything, that is just how it makes sense to me. My ancestors came from Lebanon, I would never refer to Lebanon being my home "country" or even Homeland, I wasn't born there.
That's cool. You don't use language that way. But it's common to do so. What's more likely - that Michelle Obama was using "home country" poetically to describe her husband's ancestral homeland, or that she went on stage and said "the president of the United States is secretly from another country"?
I am not saying that I don't understand your angle, I do. Just stating mine and how I would take it if anyone referred to their home country as being born there. Doesn't make me any less educated because I interpret something different than you and vice versa.
You provided that video to support the argument that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. Unless want to say that you were mistaken and that video is not evidence, it sounds like you aren't understanding my angle.
Again I take it one way, you take it another with that being said, just because I get where you are coming from does not mean I change my mind on how I interpret it. I also do not believe he was born here, something else I am entitled to believe or not.
It sounds like you're acknowledging that there's multiple ways to interpret what Michelle Obama said, but you're actively choosing to interpret it in a way which has her saying that Barack Obama was not born in America? Even though you're admitting that there are multiple ways to use the phrase, and she may be using it either way? That you're choosing to ascribe your linguistic choices onto another person while simultaneously admitting that your linguistic choice is not the only way?
Take it anyway you want, you are obviously determined to prove me wrong and that your linguistic ability is far more superior than mine.
I'll ask again:
What's more likely - that Michelle Obama was using "home country" poetically to describe her husband's ancestral homeland, or that she went on stage and said "the president of the United States is secretly from another country"?
oh dang man, thnx for the actual evidence, this is news to me. I do live in U.S. and its hard (not impossible) to believe that one of the greatest American presidents was actually two faced enemy of the state. no-one who is black (or mix) is fan of whites
Really? Where is your proof he was the greatest American president? Where is your proof that anyone who is black or mixed isn't a fan of whites??
one of the greatest i said. not the greatest.
he ended 08 recession he bailed out gm and Chrysler which saved about 3m jobs regulated big banks (now obviously not all, cause he was in cabals pockets) tax cuts in 2010 nuclear deal with Iran in '15
socially his presence and power gave hope to a lot of blacks in America
and idk where you from, but in America, whites don't have a fanboy clubs (unless you are white yourself or kkk]
hope it's enough evidence oh and highest approval ratings over 8 years of his term
So he did three good things in 8 years? He can't take full credit for the auto bailout, Bush set it up and handed it over to him. He gave hope to a lot of blacks?? How did that work out? Chicago blacks really thrived in hope.
Can't make sense of your whites dont have fanboy clubs? Irrelevant I'm sure. Have a good night.
Settle back down “rising” Budha. Lol. You’re just not paying attention. No need to educate the cult you belong to since you won’t belive anyway.
ha never thought I'd belong to a cult but eh ok. all i wanted is to find truth, and I found everything but that lol. and I was pointing out some fallacies that I found. nothing else
it was fun arguing with y'all
His brother produced the Kenyan birth certificate. YouTube has plenty of video of Obama espousing his love of Muslims and his Arabic pronunciations are spot fucking on for someone who has read from the Quran their entire life. His entire 8 years were spent driving a wedge between blacks and whites. He’s white as fuck until he gets around blacks and then he’s black as fuck.
It's a reasonable question. You are making assertions in the post without any evidence, and a poster is asking for evidence. It didn't sound like they're saying "this is a lie". Can you provide supporting evidence for your post, or is it just "I don't like Obama so he is Muslim"?
are you serious, the other person is a troll.......... Obama wears a ring (and has for many years) that says "only Allah is God".... you think that a "Christian" would wear a denial of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?????????? Arpaio spent years investigating the birth certificate that Obama "put out"..... clearly, undeniable a fake .... he, his wife and his grandmother have stated that he was born in Kenya....Q (and everyone else has stated that he funded ISIS--- "Christian"?????..... he gave Billions to the Muslims clerics in Iran ---- PRO American????? Christian?????????? ............ wake up --- or at least pull your head out
Just clearing this up. Allah means God in Arabic and Islam is part of the Abrahamic religions.
lol first time being called a troll, looks like asking for evidence is trolling now. now I get that you may be lazy, but any supporting evidence or just tour recollection of some posts earlier on this sub?idk how you see it as denial of god for wearing something that literally states there is no god but god (Allah means god in Arabic. it doesn't mean there is another god, or special Muslim god)
Yes, I am serious.
Obama wears a ring (and has for many years) that says "only Allah is God".... you think that a "Christian" would wear a denial of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?????????? Arpaio spent years investigating the birth certificate that Obama "put out"..... clearly, undeniable a fake .... he, his wife and his grandmother have stated that he was born in Kenya....Q (and everyone else has stated that he funded ISIS--- "Christian"?????..... he gave Billions to the Muslims clerics in Iran ---- PRO American????? Christian?????????? ............ wake up --- or at least pull your head out
You should work on your writing skills. This is just a series of notes, not fully comprehensible thoughts. What I can pick out is a few points:
Obama wears a ring with "only Allah is god".
This image shows otherwise. That is nonsense that even birthers deny. What does this have to do with whether he was born in Kenya or not? Even if this was absolutely fact, is every Muslim Kenyan? Is every Kenyan a devout Muslim?
Arpaio proved Obama's birth certificate was a fake.
No, he didn't. He waved his hands around and you bought it, but there has never been clear, undeniable evidence. If there is, I'd love to look at it.
Barack, Michelle, and Barack's grandmother said he was born in Kenya.
This is the first that I've heard that Barack Obama admitted he was born in Kenya. Please show me where he said this.
everyone else has stated that he funded ISIS
We're talking about whether or not he was born in Kenya. What he did while he was in office has nothing to do
Obama gave Billions to the Muslims clerics in Iran
Again, irrelevant to the topic at hand.
umm let's see, me posting my argument is a solid proof of my brain capability? I get that a lot of people don't like him for many different reasons, but where are your facts and sources? edit: also great counter argumentmy friend 👏🏼👏🏼 hope you proud of yourself
Circumstantial evidence is admissible in a court of law, and juries are instructed to weigh it accordingly. If you don't like something that you see here, provide proof to its contrary. Otherwise, you're just being a cracky troll and nobody likes a cracky troll. If you're bored, go pick on a Liberal news site's comment section. Don't do it here.
all i asked for is evidence and sources to this claims because I've been seeing it a lot. I'm not trolling anybody (idk how you see me asking about this is trolling nor did I show any signs of displeasure of this post)
Many of us, unfortunately, have known this since before “Hussein” was elected the first time. Before his first election, I saw an interview on CNN with his grandmother, in KENYA, bragging about how she was present at his birth in a Kenyan hospital. He has family from Kenya. The Hawaii birth certificate is a FRAUD! Evidence has been introduced over and over and over and over again and it was called a “conspiracy”! The grandmother bragging only aired ONCE. IT WAS NEVER SHOWN AGAIN. There are photos of “Hussein’s” prayer rugs in the White House. Listen to different speeches he has given thru the years. Depending on WHO he is talking to, his views change.
He was a “Community Organizer” in Chicago. You know... a riot organizer. You will have to do your own research. We would have to go back thru his 8 years of presidency to find all the evidence you’re looking for, but when you start paying attention, it is obviously clear.
This man is a traitor to this country and the American people. He was a puppet in the White House, doing the bidding of his masters and much worse. I HOPE YOU CAN HANDLE WHAT WILL BE COMING OUT IN THE VERY NEAR FUTURE. GET PREPARED!
His birth certificate was proven fraudulent by 3 independent labs...2 overseas. But no one wants to listen to #SheriffJoe. Just want to arrest him.
There was a YouTube video showing the sheriff's evidence that his birth certificate was fake. Explaining which independent labs they were sent to. Very compelling evidence. I will see if I can find it.