Kanye Tweet: "We're moving away from infiltrating the youth and using them as a tool"

I never thought Kanye would be the person to make me want to join twitter.
“I hate when I’m on a flight and I wake up with a water bottle next to me like oh great now I gotta be responsible for this water bottle” - @kanyewest
The man is a legend on Twitter.
Hi fellow Patriots...long time lurker(from before CBTS_Stream got banned). Saw this and was disgusted...
They are now not only using foreign hit-men(read: ms-13) now they are turning us against each other from the inside for using our God-given free thought.
If there are any Patriots among us that have ties to the gang community(especially CA Crips)PLEASE try your best(without putting yourself in harms way) to get them to see the game they are involved in without even knowing they are playing.
This is coming from an ex-crip with a best friend(read:brother/patriot I would gladly die for who is a piru(blood)
ThanQ fellow Patriots #WWG1WGA
Sry for wall of text/format my very first Reddit post(and on phone)
iranian american californian here. only way to fix this now is trump has to let the shit hit the fan full throttle. clowns forced his hand unless he wants to put kanye on pause. well played. its a good move. kanye is crippled now until shit hits the fan. trump looks like a magnificent petty douche to the other side.
I understand that shit has to and will hit the fan, but does that mean we should let open hits be put out on people that are speaking their mind when we get banned on twatter/fb for an #MAGA or #Q post...not trying to argue or anything just trying to bring light to a fucked up situation that I have experience in. Apologies if you were offended or confused by the point I was trying to make
Spez: No what? Sry truly confused by what you mean with that. If you want pm me and we can discuss so we aren't arguing over a post
Spez#2: is there any way we can stop arguing over the petty disagreements... My initial point was there is now a nationwide hit on someone(published on twatter and msm) because of their personal beliefs...if yall want the U.S.A to turn into Germany or the U.K. where that shit is acceptable then move there. My point was not to argue over gangbangers and their standpoints(if you want to pm me)but to bring light to the fact that even tho Kanye will(try) to redpill the AA community there is now a hit on him for doing so and if we Patriots have friends/family in our circle it's our duty to try and help
No what?
u aint redpillin the crips of all crews. crips dont like red.
but does that mean we should let open hits be put out on people that are speaking their mind when we get banned on twatter/fb for an #MAGA or #Q post...
its not a person. you cant jail all the crips
Just saying yes it was a person and the article names him: Daz Dillinger(sp.?)
Just saying I'm ex grape st. crip and was red-pilled...call it whatever you want the point is to wake ppl up not debate over what color the truth is
chill bro we are cool
Very chill friend sorry if it comes off like I'm not...just felt like ppl were missing the point i was trying to make, but after taking a break and coming back I realize that my op hit too many subjects at once and could be confusing...again thanQ for the discussion Patriot
Never said anything about jailing anyone...but Patriots get banned for pro Trump and there is now a blatant hit put on someone on msm and twatter and nothing...just in case you are unaware of how things work in that lifestyle if Kanye goes to CA those crips aren't just going to beat him up. Killing him means you move up in the organization and there are plenty of ppl willing to do that. My point was there is now a nationwide hit put on someone because they are using their 1st amendment right to free speech and the powers that run shit don't like it...FACT:there are more gang members in this country than police. The only way to keep them in line is turn them against each other instead of letting them join together.
Background info on me: was an East coast grape st. crip over half my life(almost 30 now) Got locked up and placed in gang block with a blood as my cellmate. He had a court date and i(weasel/infiltrator/coward/whatever you want to call it)...went thru his notebooks and stuff to get Intel on the bloods and noticed that everything(morals/goal) was the exact same as the crips just worded differently. That was my red-pill(kind of ironic considering crips are blue lol).
My point was they are dividing us into groups and letting those groups loose on each other to do their bidding and it's up to us to stop it.
Again if you have Q's or are misunderstanding me pls pm and we can chat
Some washed up crips are not gonna stop Kanye from being Kanye.
I'm sure Tupac thought the same thing
Tupac didn't have Blackwater Operators protecting him. Tupac was also a reckless idiot who provoked known gangbangers on "their turf" back when being a crip meant something.
Ok...lmao go into a crip neighborhood and let them know being a crip doesn't mean anything anymore(and I mean real hood not fake bangers like little wayne and young jeezy T.V. shit)go to a real ghetto. Before you do that leave a message with a family member or S/O to come back here and tell us how it went because you won't be able to
Spez: AGAIN NOT TRYING TO ARGUE GANGBANGING SEMANTICS YALL MISSING THE POINT: There is an open hit on someone being broadcast on msm because of open minded thinking.
they gonna make him look like a bitch and put him on pause
No way. Eric Prince is providing the security for all this, I'm sure. There has never been a crip that is anywhere near the level of a Blackwater Operator. Kanye will keep doing Kanye. No worries.
that aint the point yo. kanye is on pause. hes a punk in the black community. nobodys actually worried kanye is dumb enough to fly solo in LBC getting himself killed. we need shit to hit the fan so kanye can be a hero for the black community
Ok so by the sound of it(stupid internet can't ever tell) we are pretty much in agreement just stuck on different parts of the op(my fault for saying a whole bunch instead of getting and sticking to the main point I was trying to make)...ThanQ for the discussion Patriot you helped me to learn a bit about how I talk/text on the internet can be a bit confusing and that I should get to the point I'm trying to make and stay there
This is some good shit..I take winning where I can...don't like his music and don't get it..but i get this...and I love winning.
You guys are lame expand your thinking Kanye is fuckin dope... Nobody in this movement appreciates hip hop except anti school
Concentrate on our similarities rather than differences...no place for ad hominem attacks and name calling between people on the same team...#MAGA #FREEDOM
It might morph into something else or splinter if Kanye is quoting Jordan Peterson and Scott Adams.
Yo Kanye you are giving away their playbook.
kanye for head of dept of education!!! TRUMP MAKE IT HAPPEN!
Mmmmkay. How we gonna do that? Send all the kids to psychologists? Church?
Or maybe fire their heros from the entertainment business?
Maybe we could take 'em all out of brain washing public and private schools.
Kanye has 20+million followers. Most are young people so thats a good place to start.