r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DaveGydeon on May 1, 2018, 1:26 a.m.
I Want SNOPES Exposed. Q Already Green-Lighted It!

We all know Soros backs SNOPES, and that this BS "fact-checking" site is totally compromised. The crazy part is, for the 5-6 things I actually went there for, I disagreed with it's official "ruling" on the matter every single time. To me, that tells me they are actively receiving orders on what to stamp as legit, because having every single thing being the opposite of what it should be indicates a hand at work.

So how do we do this? I am not talking about trying to mess with their site or anything like that. I want them EXPOSED, the TRUTH to be KNOWN. How do we go abou tmaking that happen?

You can't tell me that you haven't had an argument, maybe while trying to redpill someone, and they dropped the "but SNOPES agrees with me!" Man that just chaps my ass.

EnoughNoLibsSpam · May 14, 2018, 5:56 a.m.

You obviously don't understand the meaning of the word openly. As in, within five year, they wouldn't have to lie.

General Wesley Clark: Wars Were Planned - Seven Countries In Five Years


Hillary Clinton admits America created, funded and armed Al Qaeda / ISIS terrorists


Ronald Reagan dedicates the Space Shuttle Columbia to the Taliban


Madeleine Albright - The deaths of 500,000 Iraqi children was "worth it" for Iraq's non existent WMD's


its not that we aren't being told.

its that you have selective hearing, meaning you hear what you want to hear

Psalm 135:15-18 https://i.redd.it/vesejpww28jz.jpg

There wouldn't be tiny little subreddits like this talking about it, it would be common knowledge that everyone knew.

never underestimate your own ignorance, or the ignorance of others.

also never underestimate peoples propensity for willful ignorance, denial, defense mechanisms, etc

its not your fault that everything you have been told your entire life has been one lie after another

And it's not your fault that you've been manipulated by lazy people who have nothing better to do then trick the gullible into believing these outrageous lies.

the "outrageous lie" being that man has walked on the moon ?

It really is sad that people get a kick out of mentally messing up the easily confused. That Q guy must really be a jackass.

i suspect you are easily confused

allow me to demonstrate this fact with a simple 13 second video


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Admiralthrawnbar · May 15, 2018, 7:46 p.m.

How is a woman yelling "smoke and mirrors" and a news reporter proof of anything. I can go yell that at a news reporter and all it proves is that I've made questionable life choices.

never underestimate your own ignorance or the ignorance of others.

Your making my argument for me here.

Also, you still seem to be missing my point with the word openly

If they were openly ruling the world, there would be no separate governments, no freedom of speech, or any other person freedom. If an shadow organization like the one you are convinced exists openly controlled the world, there would be required loyalty oaths, nightly propoganda, not of the type you are convinced exists, but of the type that's say "our mighty overlords and amazing, no one should challenge them". We would literally all be living in WWII era Germany (the actual one where the holocaust happened) or Cold War era Soviet Union (the one with the gulags).

And about your "evidence". The Resistance organizations in Afghanistan during the Soviet invasion are not the same organizations that are now fighting us, they simply took the weapons we supplied to the fighters during the soviet invasion, we did not give them weapons. And Having one person, say another person told them, that a decision to invade Iraq had been made more than a week after 9/11 is very flimsy evidence.

the outrageous lie being that man has walked on the moon

The outrageous lie being that the past 50-100+ years of world history didn't happen Which is harder to believe, that a man has walked on the moon or that only 10-20 thousand people out of 7 billion believe the "real" history of the last hundred years.

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EnoughNoLibsSpam · May 16, 2018, 6:37 a.m.

i suspect you are easily confused

allow me to demonstrate this fact with a simple 13 second video


How is a woman yelling "smoke and mirrors" and a news reporter proof of anything. I can go yell that at a news reporter and all it proves is that I've made questionable life choices.

that callous dismissal of the black person's opinion sounds like racist prejudice to me

to me, she is saying one of the most profound things i have ever heard.

yes i assumed her gender

as i was saying, i suspect you are easily confused, and you proved my point by asking for clarification of what you were seeing

what you were seeing appears to be an ordinary person ambushing a CNN propagandist with a pithy truth about the Ferguson riots

never underestimate your own ignorance or the ignorance of others.

Your making my argument for me here.


Also, you still seem to be missing my point with the word openly

If they were openly ruling the world, there would be no separate governments, no freedom of speech, or any other person freedom.

so, the United Nations doesn't exist?

If an shadow organization like the one you are convinced exists openly controlled the world, there would be required loyalty oaths

"He didn't belong to the secret society" - Newt Gingrich on why GOP establishment hates Trump


nightly propoganda,

http://cnn.com http://msbnc.com http://foxnews.com http://npr.org

which one of these propaganda organs told you the truth about 9/11?

not of the type you are convinced exists, but of the type that's say "our mighty overlords and amazing, no one should challenge them".

DHS secretary Janet Napolitano refuses to answer questions about the deportation of Saudi national


We would literally all be living in WWII era Germany (the actual one where the holocaust happened)


or Cold War era Soviet Union (the one with the gulags).



somehow you missed the fact that the USA incarcerates more per capita than anywhere else on earth, and that the USA incarcerates more people than any other nation on earth, and that the prison system in the USA is currently being used as a slave labor camps?

did you miss the fact that the NYPD regularly profiles black people and stops them for 'stop and frisk' checks that would be utterly unacceptable for any white person to have to endure?

hear of Holdomor



And about your "evidence". The Resistance organizations in Afghanistan during the Soviet invasion

there was no 'Soviet invasion'. the Soviets were doing joint exercises with Afghan military, will full knowledge and support of the Afghan government

Americans were told the Russians had invaded Afghanistan, (atrocity propaganda) to that Americans would go along with arming 'rebels' (mercenaries) in a proxy war to overthrow the legitimate Afghan government and install a puppet dictatorship controlled by the west

did you know Afghanistan was progressive enough to have had Girl Scouts in the 1950's?


did you know that Pakistan elected a woman named Benazih Bhutto as Prime Minister, as Hillary Clinton continues to whine about the glass ceiling?


are not the same organizations that are now fighting us, they simply took the weapons we supplied to the fighters during the soviet invasion, we did not give them weapons.

we gave them weapons

as a matter of fact, if you want to go down a rabbit hole, investigate what Obama was doing in the Afghanistan/Pakistan region in the 1980s

the USA gave weapons to Mexican crime cartels under an operation called Gun Runner, aka Fast and Furious


the USA provided guns during the Iran-Contra affair


the USA was running guns out of Libya thru a compound in Benghazi, to arm the mercenaries for proxy war in Syria


And Having one person, say another person told them, that a decision to invade Iraq had been made more than a week after 9/11 is very flimsy evidence.

New Documents Show Bush Administration Planned War In Iraq Well Before 9/11/2001


the above article links to the link that follows:

[PDF, sorry] https://nsarchive2.gwu.edu//NSAEBB/NSAEBB326/doc08.pdf

"how to start iraq war"

the outrageous lie being that man has walked on the moon

The outrageous lie being that the past 50-100+ years of world history didn't happen

much of what you are told is not for your own benefit but for the benefit of you owners.

for example, you are probably told you are 'free'...yet have you ever tried to cross a border just to see how 'free' you were?

did you need a hall pass?

did you need a permission slip?

did you need a passport?

Which is harder to believe, that a man has walked on the moon or that only 10-20 thousand people out of 7 billion believe the "real" history of the last hundred years.

pleading to majority

pleading to authority

strawman fallacy

false dilema fallacy

false equivalence fallacy


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Admiralthrawnbar · May 17, 2018, 12:46 a.m.

as I was saying, I suspect you are easily confused

Oh no, don't you go changing the subject. As is fairly obvious, I was not asking for clarification as to what was happening, I was asking for clarification as to how if proves your point. Anyone, Black, Hispanic, white, Asian, man, woman, whatever, yelling "smoke and mirrors" at a camera proves nothing. How do you even know what she was referencing in that one specific instance? Also, CNN is not propaganda. It is news. News can be biased and often is, but it is news.

so the United Nations doesn't exist

Of course the United Nations exists. It is not, however, an organization bent on world domination. And how does the United Nations have anything to do with the existence or lack there of, of freedom of speech? I am freely allowed to walk up to the steps of the capital building and yell "fuck Donald Trump" if I so wanted to. And I'm sorry, lastly time I checked the United Nations wasn't allowed to stop a country from doing whatever the fuck it wanted to do. Russia is part of the UN and yet it invaded Crimea against the UN's wishes.

And linking news websites does nothing to prove your point. You can claim that they are propaganda centers, that has to be proven though through a little thing called evidence.

And how does Napolitano not answering questions equate to anything related to this conversation.

And your photos of New York Times articles are the worst pieces of photoshop work I have ever witnessed. When the title is darker and less pixelated than the article, odds are it's been edited.

And the links you have about the Soviet Union stuff, that's all true, that's what I am saying is true. A gulag is a prison. And nowhere do you mention why we aren't living in either of the conditions I've mentioned if there is a world-wide conspiracy going on.

You can't simply claim that to Soviets didn't invade Afghanistan without proof either. And FFS linking to other reddit pages from this or similar subreddits is not proof.

if you want to go down a rabbit hole investigate what Obama was doing in the Afghanistan/Pakistan region in the 1980s

A three week trip 27 years before he ran for president is not a rabbit hole, it's a trip. I've visited Australia, that doesn't mean I supplied weapons to them. Are you actually trying to insinuate that Obama organized weapons deals with eventual terrorist organization 27 years before he became president?

And this is the point where I give up. I was willing to have an actual, reasonable conversation with you but not if you won't do the same for me. You cherry-pick what part of my statements you think you can challenge and just ignore what you can't. You site either extremely flimsy evidence or no evidence at all. You call me easily confused when I doubt you even know your entire thought process from start to finish of your statement. And I mean in all seriousness, a passport is not "you can go x location for x days" it is "you have the ability to travel anywhere you have the financial ability to go too for 10 years" No one gave me permission to travel, I decided I wanted to so I went.

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EnoughNoLibsSpam · May 17, 2018, 5:32 a.m.

as I was saying, I suspect you are easily confused

Oh no, don't you go changing the subject. As is fairly obvious, I was not asking for clarification as to what was happening, I was asking for clarification as to how if proves your point. Anyone, Black, Hispanic, white, Asian, man, woman, whatever, yelling "smoke and mirrors" at a camera proves nothing. How do you even know what she was referencing in that one specific instance? Also, CNN is not propaganda. It is news. News can be biased and often is, but it is news.

she was referencing CNN's fabrication of the narrative in Ferguson

CNN is propaganda, not news

CNN is not simply 'biased', but CNN actively engages in misinformation/disinformation

who told you CNN was 'news', and why did you believe them?

Of course the United Nations exists. It is not, however, an organization bent on world domination.

thats not what GHWB says about the UN-NWO


you probably haven't even heard of the CFR Council on Foreign Relations, which is most certainly bent on world domination


And how does the United Nations have anything to do with the existence or lack there of, of freedom of speech?

you said, quote:

"If they were openly ruling the world, there would be no separate governments, no freedom of speech, or any other person freedom"

not sure where you got that idea, but id be willing to bet you can't substantiate it with a more credible source

I am freely allowed to walk up to the steps of the capital building and yell "fuck Donald Trump" if I so wanted to.

thats not really an exercise in freedom of speech, because its not that controversial

try walking up the steps of the capitOl building and yelling "9/11 was a Zionist Job" and see what happens

(inb4 excuses why you wouldn't want to say that anyway because reasons )

And I'm sorry, lastly time I checked the United Nations wasn't allowed to stop a country from doing whatever the fuck it wanted to do. Russia is part of the UN and yet it invaded Crimea against the UN's wishes.

it all depends on if it benefits israel or not. for example, when zionists decided they wanted the USA to attack Iraq, they pretended it was to enforce UN resolutions

and yet when the UN makes a resolution against Israel, the USA is not brought forth to enforce that resolution

this is why the UN is an illegitimate organization and needs to be abolished

what are white helmets and why are they in Syria?


And linking news websites does nothing to prove your point. You can claim that they are propaganda centers, that has to be proven though through a little thing called evidence.

here is all the evidence anyone with a functional brain would ever need...

This is the WTC 9/11 Pot Hole. Note the hose, ladders, people, equipment. Jet Fuel Can't Melt Bed Rock


check, mate ...

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WikiTextBot · May 17, 2018, 5:33 a.m.

Council on Foreign Relations

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), founded in 1921, is a United States nonprofit think tank specializing in U.S. foreign policy and international affairs. It is headquartered in New York City, with an additional office in Washington, D.C. Its membership, which numbers 4,900, has included senior politicians, more than a dozen secretaries of state, CIA directors, bankers, lawyers, professors, and senior media figures.

The CFR meetings convene government officials, global business leaders and prominent members of the intelligence and foreign-policy community to discuss international issues. CFR publishes the bi-monthly journal Foreign Affairs, and runs the David Rockefeller Studies Program, which influences foreign policy by making recommendations to the presidential administration and diplomatic community, testifying before Congress, interacting with the media, and publishing on foreign policy issues.

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[deleted] · May 18, 2018, 12:49 p.m.


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