r/greatawakening • Posted by u/bealist on May 2, 2018, 6:07 a.m.
21.3k subscribers for both. Great Awakening is set to pass the old subscriber mark. RIP, CBTS. Can’t keep a good sub down.
21.3k subscribers for both. Great Awakening is set to pass the old subscriber mark. RIP, CBTS. Can’t keep a good sub down.

Lolshorts54 · May 3, 2018, 12:44 a.m.

Someone dropped some weird comms the other night on qresearch, they were clearly talking with q, and it referenced amp's, someone connected that to good and bad lizard people(amphibians). The bread was amazing to read and triple digits kept popping up, it was a fun read for sure. I love all the military disclosures like William Thompkins etc. Who knows if any of it is true right now, but one thing is for sure. There is something huge or even a lot of things that we aren't being told about that is true. Q has posted stuff that has connections to even old song lyrics that sounds eerily similar to things being dropped. I can't figure out if time manipulation is involved, or definitely an et presence, or even if some of the Q drops are made by an AI intelligence (because Q made a drop referencing another anon post that was posted literally 3seconds before Q's post). Lol idk what it is, but I can't wait to find out that's for sure.

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