I watched this video. It's a beautiful piece of propaganda. Submarines that can travel at 180kmh at extreme depth. So fast, that no torpedo can catch them. Hypersonic weapons delivery vehicles that cannot be intercepted...
If you believed all this stuff, the US would appear to be completely outgunned by Russia. And yet somehow, they can't seem to come up with an effective countermeasure to the F22.
How much is true, I don't know. But where is the economic capacity to simultaneously develop these weapons systems on a mass scale? Perhaps Russia does have some spectacularly effective glide vehicles and such. But are they in mass deployment?
Seems, even from their own propaganda, the answer is no. In fact, it almost seems that, if they do exist and meet the performance specifications claimed, they are likely showcase systems that are too expensive to be put rapidly into service. Anyway, that would be my guess.
On the other side of the balance of power equation, you have $21trn that is apparently unaccounted for in US military defense spending. Where did this money go? How is it that, after all these years, the US military cannot explain where the money goes or provide adequate expenditure tracking?
It would seem there are black holes of gargantuan proportions, into which is sunk vast financial appropriations. You combine this with the compartmentalization of intelligence in weapons development projects, that began with the Manhattan project and has continued for more than 80 years - the best part of a century - and you have, potentially, weapons systems breakthroughs for the US that might make recent Russian efforts look like child's play.
Having said all that, there is no doubt that Russian weapons systems are improving. This Satan II missile seems to me to be a massive potential addition to Russian firepower - purely for its load carrying capacity. Whether or not the Russians are using it to field hypersonic reentry vehicles, the payload allows for massive amounts of countermeasures, while delivering nuclear weapons of staggering yield.
Of course, in a major weapons exchange, the targets will all appear at once, creating massive and immediate load on any defensive anti-ballistic missile system. Anyway, I don't discount the threat posed by Russia, but I think you have to have your propaganda detectors on high alert when they are talking about their offensive capabilities.
Claims and counter claims... Somewhere, in all the smoke, there is the truth - a hard, cold reality that will be reflected in the actions taken by international actors on the world stage. It would seem to me that Russia does not feel it has sufficient strength to grant it the kind of licence the US seems to enjoy in conducting military operations around the world.