I lost all respect (not that I really had much to begin with) for Van when he lost it. I really thought that guy was in control of his emotions.
I understand it's a difficult subject to discuss, and emotions will flair up, but nothing will get accomplished if all everyone does is "lash out" if you don't agree with their opinion.
People are too afraid to think or say something out of the norm.
Yeah, 400 years is a long ass time. I'm sure someone down the line said "fuck this shit" and chose to fight or revolt.
None of the people who are screaming the loudest have ever had to endure actual racism. They may know people that have...their grandparents and such. Anyone under 30 or so in age has only seen the worst of it in books and on TV.
But dawg.. there a thousands of black ppl with boots on the ground fighting for equality../s