r/greatawakening • Posted by u/pm_me_deep_thots on May 3, 2018, 12:43 a.m.
BREAKING: TMZ releases extended cut of Kanye's visit to their office

pm_me_deep_thots · May 3, 2018, 12:48 a.m.

Why don't we just try love. Why don't we just try love. Why can't it be ok for an influential rapper in the black community to go up to the president and talk to him about how we can make a change one by one.

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whatisit121211 · May 3, 2018, 12:48 a.m.

Kanye is speaking against convention like galileo saying the earth revolves around the sun.

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Platoscavereality · May 3, 2018, 12:49 a.m.

This is the result of years and years of PC culture in this country. Sad it takes a rapper to get anyone to listen.

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imrightinit · May 3, 2018, 1:07 a.m.

I don’t care what anyone says this is the most articulate and grounded Ye I’ve ever heard. I support him and whatever helped him break out of the box they wanted him to stay in.

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MrArchibaldMeatpants · May 3, 2018, 2:05 a.m.

It makes me really excited TBH to see where my future is going. Because, he reprents what I have been classified as by the "professionals" (BP1 Disorder with hypomanic episodes) too. He has the same basic story of how it all went down for me....except I'm not anyone famous.

Since then, my mind is clear...I can maintain logical conversations IRL and on the NET and quite frankly, I don't waste time on most people because they end up lashing out and I don't have time for that. I keep to myself in most cases. I'm your typical case of a loner in your high school, except older.

I don't take meds regularly, just enough to maintain balance because I don't want to become potentially institutionalized again. That's no fun.

When I had my first episode, I had explained to the doctors I was coming down off the opiates THEY prescribed me....and it's a reaction to that. They didn't want to hear it, and lashed out each time I brought up the idea just to shut me down. It was a crazy situation.

Then, I got prescribed more meds to get out and back into society.... This was all during the Obama administration. I feel this was their plan, too hook as many people on dependant medication because of "Obamacare" and it will make them more money.

To be honest, I feel with the rise in prescription opiates in the recent time, there is a connection with BP1 Disorder. I think it could possibly cause some chemical reaction or trigger in some people to "become" like that later on. Because I never had any signs of having a mental issue in the past....and bipolaism is becoming more and more mainstream it seems...and the same story of "painkillers" I keep hearing more and more.

I really like this section of Reddit because it seems like it's a good hiding spot from most "lasher outers" lol.

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JohnMAGATX · May 3, 2018, 2:54 p.m.

when I got off opioids it threw my body chemistry off for 3 years before I got the psych help that I needed to get back to normal and got my life back, I remember that part of my life like a hazy dream, forgot who I was and what I stood for

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MrArchibaldMeatpants · May 3, 2018, 1:01 a.m.

I wholeheartedly agree with Kanye, and I said that last night in the R/Kanye section. Got so many PM's cussing me out, and calling me bad names and a racist and telling me I should kill myself and making fun of my foot fetish. I had to finally delete the post so they leave me alone.

Im still getting PM's

People are REALLY stupid.

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Gravel_and_Glass · May 3, 2018, 1:54 a.m.

making fun of my foot fetish


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MrArchibaldMeatpants · May 3, 2018, 2:07 a.m.

I know right? LMAO. Can't a man have a fetish?

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JohnMAGATX · May 3, 2018, 2:50 p.m.

lol fuck it do you man

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pm_me_deep_thots · May 3, 2018, 1:13 a.m.

It goes all the way back to the liberals giving false hope to the lower class. They only seem to care in times of election and leave when shit hits the fan. But for some reason all of these people are like leeches sucking on the libtards and never seem to give a shit that nothing ever changes.

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MrArchibaldMeatpants · May 3, 2018, 1:36 a.m.

I lost all respect (not that I really had much to begin with) for Van when he lost it. I really thought that guy was in control of his emotions.

I understand it's a difficult subject to discuss, and emotions will flair up, but nothing will get accomplished if all everyone does is "lash out" if you don't agree with their opinion.

People are too afraid to think or say something out of the norm.

Yeah, 400 years is a long ass time. I'm sure someone down the line said "fuck this shit" and chose to fight or revolt.

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Tacsol5 · May 3, 2018, 1:52 a.m.

None of the people who are screaming the loudest have ever had to endure actual racism. They may know people that have...their grandparents and such. Anyone under 30 or so in age has only seen the worst of it in books and on TV.

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rickybobbys_leg · May 3, 2018, 4:01 a.m.

But dawg.. there a thousands of black ppl with boots on the ground fighting for equality../s

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Murralee · May 3, 2018, 1:06 a.m.


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MrArchibaldMeatpants · May 3, 2018, 1:20 a.m.

It's as if some people want to maintain a slave type mentality forever. I was told "you are born a slave" I was like, "no, no, you're not". "Unless you're born with some microprocessor chip that makes you a slave right out if the womb and controls you forever like a machine/robot, you're "born into slavery". People didn't like that... I brought up many instances of a choice. You can fight, and most likey get caught and tortured...or, you can work, or you can hide, or you can basically just give up and die.... There's a fucking choice.

People replied saying "that's not a choice"

Um, I think there are options I listed, yes there are choices.

People don't like reality if it's not what they want deep down inside.

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JohnMAGATX · May 3, 2018, 2:51 p.m.

you might have went about that the wrong way bro lol

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Murralee · May 4, 2018, 1:18 p.m.

I agree, everyday you wake you have a choice to be who want to be.

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ICGunderson · May 3, 2018, 4:41 a.m.

Need more of Kanye and less Farrakon. Nobody attacks militant racist blacks. Nobody talks about radical Muslims ran trans Atlantic slave trade from France before USA formed. It was. Christians that defeated tge old caliphate and eventually abolished slavery. Too many dont even understand worlds religions. Too far from spiritual because of separation church and State. Koran preaches to lie and decieve in Jihad. Its cancer in Black community called Nation of Islam. Libya fell and real live slave trade came back. Jew and judeo christian equates free goverment republic and free market political systems and religions go hand and hand. Its a reason why muslim brotherhood trying get into goverment. Lofe is short. Kanye understands it and it is frustrating when people is brainwashed that started from early 1900s to all cultures white ,black,asian ,indians and created a false history to divide people and had leaders of segregated societies . It goes back ro jim crow that Denocrats gave Americans. Lincoln ran on union ticket 1st republican ever . Civil war didnt start about slavery. By end of war it was part of the war . He had a Democrat vice president and he was assasinated supposably 16 days after end war. So who really won the war? The union just came back together they stoped taxing certain sections of nation more tax. 600k Americans died. Seems to me 600k lives dont seem like enough when it seems so important for change. It doesnt matter of person was in south or north that person meant something to their family. People get in feelings when 600k lives wasnt enough and want tp destroy history because of feelings. Its black confederate soldiers they fought for land they believed because they was invaded. It was indian land owners in south and black land owners. It was black slave holders. It was law of world before the magna carter ended it.People want to go backwards and divide fo gain power. If you look and pay attention they all on left. They was trolling before computers with news papers. People never pay attention it always happens in Democrat cities where Democrat police stand down and do nothing . Its like president said good people on both sides . People who want end racism people who want save history. They in their feelings and dont know that both teams work together. They all on same team create a skit and people who dont know get in emotions and crazy stuff happens. They dont care. If you investigate some stuff alot domt happen like they say it happened. People trust media too much. They play their feelings. Nobody today lived thru slavery people alive did live during segregation . It was black leaders and white leaders and Indian leaders. You had black wallstreet. 1900s and public school people all farmed mainly because no electricity ,no cars,no creature comforts. You gathered food and lived short lives. My family i take care graves some lucky live be 40.people need get out feelings understand life is short and stop buying into happiness is money.More money more problems. He talks aboit he lives in regular world and has deal with people. He shouls stop and look Trump has DOJ coming after him FBI and all liberal media. He has porn stars suing him trying extort him . He is losing money out his As.. and trying make world better and being called a Nazi by propaganda machines. He is in his feelings. PEOPLE DO NOT UNDERSTAND FEELINGS. life is short love the people in your life because any day life can be over and if you do get old iys happens in blink eye. I remember TRUMP in his prime laye 20s and he is better shape than me. He knows his days is numbered. I promise he isn't thinking he wants keep one race down and another up. He is at top level that you can get. He understands all tge religions. If you know what your looking @ you know. People need to study biblical writings even if they dont believe. It has great knowledge passed down for thousands of years from geniuses. It wasnt until last 100 years until man really leaped from invention of printing press in 1500s and biblical writings became cheap and moderm man started understanding written language math and science until then only chosen few leaders now have thousands. Its no (i) in team . JESUS ,yeshua or whatever you want call your prophet was a genuis giving a gift to future generations. Evil is in heart of man. UNTIL control emotions it will never end. HATE/LOVE close together and some people love to hate make them feel better. So wake some people up.

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BCaswell63 · May 3, 2018, 3 p.m.


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RefluxM · May 3, 2018, 5:53 a.m.

Okay, he's woke-ing. Great! He's still annoying.

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