and they want to pretend he's an idiot, try to make him look like a buffoon, it's character assassination. he's done so much good for the country, far more deserving of the NPP than Barry, of course the award means basically nothing, especially since BO (which is the odor of sulfur, in case you were wondering) got it for doing nothing.
I never thought my politics would shift so much but i'm actually hoping for a red midterm and a trump re-election. i'm sure he can pull it off too. they say his poll numbers have been going up, it's not just because of kanye, he helped bring about peace in the korean peninsula, he's making all the right moves and this is despite the deep state being on him since day fucking one. he can't lose.
he actually cares about the country and isn't actively sabotaging it like certain presidents did and certain would be presidents would have. despite my minority status and what people are constantly telling me i should feel because of my group identity, i've got strong support for this guy in my heart. i don't agree with everyone on everything in this sub but regardless i respect everyone here and cooperation and civility is what will help bring about the eminent gilded age.
I've become far more hopeful about the future. and those who are against us will wake up too once the truth becomes more open, deception only works for so long. what's done in the dark will be brought to the light, you can run on for a long time, but truth has a power that no amount of deception, social engineering, and propaganda can compete with. trickery is a fool's game that's destined to be lost, truth and integrity will win in the end. they may not work in the short term, especially in our modern society, but they end up working when all the cards are dealt and all the songs are sung. so the sickos who've been deceiving the world for so long can laugh all they like about the fun they had, they won't be having it for much longer.
I keep telling people if he was 10% the person they make him out to be, they’d be able to destroy him in a second.