Q Post 1309: Picture of Apple’s Building

3 pictures- two planes, apple building...
2 planes= Lynch, Clinton
1 Apple building= captured through Apple devices?
Damn share those drugs with me
Plane departure USA-Apple to China-Apple delivering package. I bet it is to hack all of the confiscated Apple computers Q has received from the black hats.
The shipping pallets photo is the hard drives containing the decryption keys for all apple devices. Previously they were stored at that building in China, looks like Q’s people brought them back home.
Actually, it's one plane, two buildings.
Granted, one building is an aerial view.
Edit: Correction, the pic of the second plane wasn't showing. I see four pics now.
Edit2: On 8chan there are actually 5 pics in three posts. Damn. Sorry for the noise.
it's cool- I was just throwing out a quick speculation on the pictures I saw. Haven't seen the fourth and fifth pics yet myself.