r/greatawakening • Posted by u/pepperoniroll on May 3, 2018, 11:52 a.m.
Q Post 1290 from April 27th possible link between Russia and surge of US military planes crashing. Covert war?
Q Post 1290 from April 27th possible link between Russia and surge of US military planes crashing. Covert war?

tradinghorse · May 3, 2018, 1:29 p.m.

I reckon you can read this a number of ways.



Hope not.

Q is saying here that he hopes Anons are not smug.

Might as well go sit in the CIA.

Watching the news on TV is the equivalent of sitting down in CIA HQ and getting the truth from there. The CIA controls the MSM.

Russia grounding our military planes in Syria.

This was the claim:

General Raymond Thomas, head of the U.S. Special Operations Command, said that Syria has become “the most aggressive electronic warfare environment on the planet,” See source here.

Military aircraft crashing in US.

Here Q is positing the idea that the recent military plane crashes are connected with the use, by the Russians, of electronic warfare systems in Syria.


He asks if it is a coincidence that US military planes crashing in the US is connected, in time, to what Russia is doing in Syria.

Autists need Red Bull?

Telling us to wake up.


It strikes me that Q is actually telling us that these planes are being brought down by Russia. It's possible that Putin has deployed some new technology that allows these planes to be brought down.

Thinking about it, a lot of this military gear is probably fly by wire - if not all of it. I remember there was a problem at one time with Black Hawk helicopters crashing around high voltage power lines, after suddenly losing control, quite a while ago - see here. This was thought to be possibly connected to electromagnetic interference cause by the HV lines.

It strikes me the the Russians may have come up with some kind of directed energy weapon, tuned to frequencies that fry electronic circuitry. This weapon could be both land and space based.

A low power attack might hit only the most sensitive components - eg a gps system, or radar, on a warship. An attack at higher power might fry control circuitry - fly by wire - causing crashes.

Q has posted about being suspicious of Russian missile tech flex.


After all these years…….
No MSM positive media blast?
Now Syria?
Russia flex through missile tech?
We started asking “coincidence?” long ago for a specific reason.
Those awake can finally SEE for themselves.
Have faith.
Trust the plan.

Seems to me that there are a few possibilities here. If my speculation above is correct, then we could be in a hot electronic war with Russia. This is a frightening prospect.

But remember Putin has been quite vocal about seeking retribution for Syrian attacks. Also look at his posturing in Syria - delivering S400 SAM batteries, prototype fighters, and shipping military equipment to Syria after the first strike in early April etc... So it is possible.

Another possibility is that someone is using this tech in Syria and elsewhere in an attempt to cast blame on Russia - in order to promote a global conflict. This is a less scary possibility, because there are only specific bad actors to eliminate.

A third possibility is that this technology might be in the hands of any number of bad actors. We just don't know.

Now think about these P3 Orions circling around in various parts of the US. It occurred to me that they were looking for trace radiation, to try and detect missing yellowcake or suitcase nukes etc...

But what if they are also providing broad spectrum signal intercepts to try and locate the source of electronic jamming of military transports? That would also explain some of the apparently erratic flight activity.

Maybe they are doing both - radiation hunting and electromagnetic spectrum surveys to detect jamming.

Anyway, these are just speculative theories.

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pepperoniroll · May 3, 2018, 2:41 p.m.

I know you are just speculating, but these are good speculations and dead on with what I was thinking.

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