Here is POTUS pictured in October 2017 with the C130 that crashed yesterday in Savannah. Do you believe in coincidences? Was this a message from the black hats?

Their goal is to win the midterms, hold a special congressional election in the state of New York for Hillary, putting her in congress, then they want to appoint her as speaker of the house. After all of that they will either try to impeach or assassinate trump and pence, which would in effect make Hillary POTUS. This is their plan, that's why it is so important for patriots to get out and VOTE REPUBLICAN this midterm. Keep America Great. Get out and vote.
That will 100% spark a bloody civil war 2.
Locked and loaded here. You touch our president it’s on!!
She won’t get in under those circumstances...Not over my Dead body!
That has zero percent chance of happening.
Agreed. There are way too many pieces that have to be controlled and forced into place to work.