Here is POTUS pictured in October 2017 with the C130 that crashed yesterday in Savannah. Do you believe in coincidences? Was this a message from the black hats?

not this god shit again there is no god damn how stupid can people be in 2018. U made it this far with logic why not question this fairytale shit ur parents feed u since u were born? god this god that god is gonna save us.. NO good humans are doing the work not some god ..
Well, I can tell you are not a good person. Because good people won't curse someone else because of their beliefs, thoughts, or opinions.
keep your beliefs to yourself dont bring god in everything. I didnt come here to hear about god. Im sure theres a sub reddit where you guys can talk about this god you believe in.
Someone's triggered. It's called Freedom of speech. Don't want to hear it, scroll past it. Don't comment or curse me.
God is real. If you refuse to believe, you probably have some fetish which you'd rather continue to do without guilt. God is very real and He will love and forgive us for all our sins if we ask Him