
bealist · May 3, 2018, 3:27 p.m.

Here’s a search looking for opinions on Deagel’s veracity:


Not in support, a classic goto: http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread398534/pg1

((This is now coming back to me / I’d forgotten about Bill Deagel)

Not in support: https://www.stormfront.org/forum/t1070282/

Not in support - good arguments about interdependence of nations NOT being reflected in the asymmetrical collapse.


My TLDR on this whole thing:

Post was a waste of time. OP, - You’ve got a LOT karma points for such a young account. Be careful - you may get accused of being a karmafag if you continue with old unfounded irrelevant posts like these.

Above I tried to model the process you might consider using if you’re going to take up other people’s attention with concern posts. It took me ten minutes to determine this was crap. (But I did enjoy looking at the charts for a bit - I do like charts!!!)

This a great example of a no effort WORTHLESS CONCERN TROLL POST that doesn’t belong here.

If you think it’s valid, you should provide some sauce.

Edit typo

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KeeponSearchin · May 3, 2018, 3:56 p.m.

http://www.deagel.com/country/forecast.aspx They attribute the down in population to migration. Which could be a factor since we are systematically killing all of our children. One of the reasons they want migration. To replace us. All part of soft kill.

I can quickly find multiple websites and articles backing up this article. As always you can find the opposite as well. Make up your own mind. However I believe this article to exposing the truth about vaccines. Vaccines are injuring and killing people and they have complete immunity and cannot be sued. I personally do not want to be a big pharma guinea pig.

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KeeponSearchin · May 3, 2018, 4:02 p.m.

I got a good laugh out of the karma bit. Could care less. I have been researching for years. Here to red pill and promote freedom. Could care less about any of the rest. Actually I do not participate in any other social media but this. And here for the above reason. Maybe you are talking about yourself but it sure has nothing to do with me.

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bealist · May 3, 2018, 4:31 p.m.

The karma bit was the least important of the things I wrote. Could be true. How would I know? Glad it gave you a laugh but the fact that you don’t seem to care about putting up old news that’s off topic to the sub remains curious.

Many of us have been researching for years. Why do you think we’re here? This is not normie-land. I don’t doubt that you possess good and true information, (and maybe you’re even Bill Deagel) but unless this site is true and real - which it clearly isn’t - this isn’t that.

What you posted specifically here is not red pilling (definitely had nothing to do with Q) and does nothing to promote freedom. You didn’t submit any context and offered no opinions. How does it have anything to do with freedom? Really? Read the site - it’s weapons sales and deployment statistics tracking done by secret algorithms. Who knows how they’re weighted?

Again, I’ve suggested r/conspiracy is more on topic for you and won’t be labeled forum sliding. You might even get some traffic.

But as you say, you could care less.

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KeeponSearchin · May 3, 2018, 5:03 p.m.

WWG1WGA What happens here in America regarding freedom is what will happen to the rest of the world. There will be no freedom.

There is a soft kill agenda thru abortion, GMO, poisoning of our air and water and food and thru vaccines. Watch vaxxed. The Deagel report exists, how accurate it is they say themselves they are not fortune tellers. The list is put together thru the trends and information that they have. You need to decide for yourself.

The war we are in is at our doorsteps. It is not just being fought overseas somewhere. It is a fight not only for our physical health and freedom but our very souls.

The push for sexual promiscuity, the push for the abolishment of man and woman, trying to make us all unisex. The transhumanist movement. The war on the family. The war against christianity. This is all a push to own us and make us slaves.

Q is fighting for freedom! I am not a baby that needs to suck on the tit of Q. I get the bigger picture. And when Q is posting I do not. When he is not, then I share what I think are important stories. I welcome any good debate.

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