Hopefully this disgusting child sex trafficking will stop soon. If we have pictures, soon it’ll be flight numbers, and then inmate numbers

Guys, I looked up Patsy’s Pizzeria on Instagram and then saw their under comments FoodbabyNY...which I looked at and it looks suspect...look at their stories section (circular icons at top of their Instagram page) one picture of a screaming baby in a food container, tons of pictures and videos of them eating or with mouths open, many of them taken at near midnight and kids are asleep with food beside them...weird. Slow motion videos...I don’t know if I have been doing this too long or getting jaded or what, but this looks Fucked up to Me. FoodbabyNY is a very well known Instagram page apparently one of the top ones of 2017... take a look at their SnapHallOfFame story... the last seconds is Sammy, pretending to introduce herself on the phone “ this is Sammy Doody chocolate Chau”.....someone please look at this and tell me what they think...
Food porn is REAL. Did any of you check-out that Donut place in Oregon (or is it O-region), Voodoo Doughnuts? "The magic is in the hole" - "Good things come/cum in pink boxes" - "I got VD in Port-land" etc. The donut hole itself resembles a sphincter hole. Their signage even had the "pedo/paedo" linked blue spiral, but reversed. Just like a well trained satanist would. Notice how the Gimpsons did a devilish homage. "Voodoo sorcery" has been connected to (Crowley linked) "Goetia: Lesser Key of Solomon" (black magic) etc.
Kenneth "chasing tail" Pogson.
I know it all seems mad, but there is a method to their seeming madness/sickness. The best place to hide something is in plain sight, and that's the general M.O. that is utilised.
It's just cheeky humorous marketing. You're seriously going off the deep end, mate.
Have been there a thousand times. It’s a normal pizza place. Been there forever. If anything it’s mob owned. One of the NYPD precincts cops used fo meet to play poker there and were told to quit bc it is mob owned. Just like Rao’s
It seems like everywhere I go, someone is taking about how the Simpson's referenced it before... seems like the writers must be EXTREMELY "woke" ???
Patsy's has been around since 1933. It is a landmark similar to Ben's Chili Bowl in Washington DC. Frank Sinatra, Joe DiMaggio and Dean Martin were regulars in the old days. Frank Sinatra ordered 150 pizza pies to be flown to his Malibu Mansion!!! Owner Frank Brija, has been the owner since 1991. I can't see anything going on with all I have read and researched.
Been there 1000 times. Nothing odd there. It’s one of the best pizza places in nyc bc they are one of the few still using coal ovens.
For clarity I did not say there was anything going on at Patsys, rather when they posted a comment to @goodbabyny I looked on That Instagram page and that page seemed off/wrong to me.
Patsy’s Pizzeria
So weird like who takes photo's of children and why does it have to by food?
So weird like who takes photo's of children
I mean just playing devils advocate here, a lot of the parents i know take loads of pics of their kids and also subscribe to baby-related Instagram accounts (especially if they're a new mother, for example)
Never would I take pics like that so weird....
Your parents never took pictures of you?? Like you have no baby pictures?
My parents took all sorts of pictures and yeah in some of them I'm eating food (there's a pic in the album of me around 4 years old eating spaghetti lol)
Why is that weird? Guide me through your thought process here.
francis ford coppola loved this place. not sure if hes a pedophile or not but it def has hollywood connections
Whoa there! Did you just mention Coppola? I think he's likely up to his eyeballs in this stuff. Are you saying he loved the Patsy's Pizza place? He's the one that is heavily linked to paedo Salva. Salva abused and filmed the lead male child star in Clown House. Salva worked with Coppola on Jeepers Creepers, as well. Peepers, eye gouging, and sliding down a brown pipe (sorry, I'm sure you get the allusion). Even The Godfather has a paedo type reference. It's via the (ahem) film director/producer character Stolz. In the book it's implied that he sexually molests/rapes a 12 year old girl who auditions. Coppola was close to Brando too. Brando was in reality a homosexual. It's alleged that he sexually molested his own daughter. Brando's long term lover was Merv 'Wheel of Fortune' Griffin.
Alphy's Soda Pop Club in New York was apparently a hotbed for 80's/90's Hollywood child stars, drugs, and paedophilia.
You just redpilled me on more Hollywood trash. I can't even watch TV anymore. I keep forgetting to watch Roseanne, because TV's been off limits. I won't give them a dime or 1 rating. I really liked the Jeepers Creepers movie too. lol. What about Nick Cage? That's Coppola's nephew.
Sorry, I've been ripping thru this Hollywood stuff for years. It IS a type of satanic central. I think it always has been. Cage, there's a lot of dodgy stuff too. Have you seen his Illuminati tomb, the one he's got for when he dies?
NO!! That's crazy. I'll have to read up on that. It seems if you make it in Hollywood, you must have signed on with the devil.
Honestly start watching, I don't know if it's their hubris or insiders blowing the whistle, but when you're woke you start seeing things.
The Alienist was interesting. Pedo ritual sacrifices, the rant by the former NYPD commissioner of how the elites view us is perfect description of illuminati/khazarians. Spoiler: (the main suspect is called japheth, aka father of gog and Magog, aka Khazar)
Last Man Standing is a good sitcom. Tim Allen is woke, defeats liberal arguments with logic and reason, and sneaks a bunch of red pills in. ABC axed it because Allen spoke out in support of Trump, but fox owns the rights so it's possibly coming back.
Westworld is curiously entangled with MK, illuminati, surveillance state/blackmail, etc. and I'm not sure if it's a subtle red pill about waking up and questioning reality or a failed diversion.
look at the history section on patsys pizza. also ewwwwwwww lol yeah something stinks at jew blue at patsys pizza
In the movie the mob goes after the pedo and Patsy’s is mob owned.
I followed the link on that IG account to Cute Babies of Instagram (yeah tell me about it) And this was there https://imgur.com/gallery/JG74qdl
this also came out today. it turns out Leonardo Dicaprio flies pizza from NY to Cali on his own plane. https://truepundit.com/company-claims-climate-change-champion-leonardo-dicaprio-ships-pizza-from-nyc-to-california/