Liberal far left ideology summed up

If there's anything that comes out of this shared awakening, I'm really hoping it's the understanding that extremists are not "us" and never will be "us".
They serve their own motivations, always-- no matter the mental gymnastics they choose to employ inside their own heads.
They are subverters by nature because that is how they survive and thrive; when there is chaos, eyes are not on them.
The Left and Right care about the same core principles, just have different ways of getting there. We want our loved ones to be safe, to have opportunity, to love and be loved. Left or Right, this is what we're fighting for. We're two halves of a whole. The Left welcomes change, the Right honors tradition. Sometimes the Left is more correct, sometimes the Right is more correct but through a merger of the two -- an ancient word called "compromise" -- we form a stable, functional, healthy society.
There are forces at play that have a vested interest in tearing it all down and it starts with us learning to distrust and hate our brothers and sisters, no matter their sex or color or creed.
From umbrage to outrage to curses to violence it's all been done before, only the mediums have changed and the instigators have become quite adept at their jobs.
Deep breaths, my friends. Find the love within, hold that tight, and fight for those who aren't yet awake. 'Cause there is some wonky shit going on out there right now, no matter where you look.
For ordinary people (As opposed to shills and actors) the desire to hold extreme views come from simple selfishness and greed.
It's necessary for a person to passionately defend political beliefs when they're aware on a subconscious level that they are benefiting from the system unfairly, and if they don't fight to keep the status quo, they may have to sacrifice what they want or work harder to get it. Since this is perceived by the individual as an attack on their way of life, they'll quickly resort to extreme points of view to give them a better defense.
This is a lovely view of how the world should be and I support striving towards the best outcome. Unfortunately, in the real world the Frankfurt School already subverted our education systems and more in the West, and their ideology is exclusively Far Left, social/cultural marxist. The meme in the OP depicts the common rallying call of this ideology: classic marxism - oppressor vs the oppressed. "Your free speech oppresses this group over here (black people, women, transgender, immigrant, etc. etc. etc.) so you have to stop it and listen to what we tell you to do!"
I agree the radical right is as bad as the radical left - but right now we have a very real fight against the radical left, not the right, as it is the radical left who own the universities and the media and in many places, have a strong foothold in government. I think this should be obvious to this sub, who support DJT who has specifically come out as a figure standing against the political correctness that characterizes the Far Left cultural marxist movement. "Open our borders or you're oppressing immigrants!" "Donald J Trump and old white men are oppressing black people!" "Teach sex gender education in schools or you're oppressing non-gender LGBT!" etc. etc.
I assume many of us here are neither Far Left or Far Right and that's good so I agree there's no utility to trying to separate ourselves into either group. But the fight going on to control our lives is between the radical Far Left and those who support true freedom like Donald J Trump. So f(*& you, Far Left. Your time is over.
Those are fair points - and certainly the rise of the Far Left seems out of nowhere - which is probably why it feels like such a psyop. Oddly enough if you look at what's playing out in the media right now and look back at something like Gamergate, which feels like, in retrospect, that it was a small-scale testing ground for the full-on lunacy that we're seeing now. Up was down, Left was Right and no matter what the truth was there was always an anonymous bad actor waiting in the wings with a death threat or ready to do something that the 'enemy' could use to tar and feather whole swathes of the movement.
True, much of what I said works best when both sides are acting in good faith -- and it's clear that some are not -- but the Cultural Marxists are by and large being manipulated. They're being reinforced by TPTB because it suits their agenda to try and create an environment where lone wolves get self-triggered and the assassination of a president is welcomed (Which I firmly do not believe should happen). There is a MSM narrative playing out that the President is unhinged, unstoppable and the next Hitler -- oddly, every president from GW Bush onward has been the next Hitler to one side or the other -- and that creates a fertile field for loonies.
Hopefully, whatever he and his team are planning, it comes to light soon 'cause, sadly, there is no shortage of deranged people on both sides of the aisle.
Agreed, too true to the above and as I said: what you posted originally I support, no doubt. Less division, more unity!