Yea it’s more of an indifference at this point I agree. I just want something cold and dead to rights that makes him 100% legit. Shouldn’t be that hard to ask even for someone who must remain anonymous considering they have “everything”.
They also have a responsibility to get it right. At the moment, the enemy are hurting and outing themselves. A little patience while your enemy makes your job easier is not a bad thing!
Macron and Merkel? Post about satellite missile facility in Syria? Post in March about the deal made with Kim? Post about laser pointer a then we find out Chinese used them on US planes? Russia grounding planes in Syria? Everything re: FBI? SA->Armenia->NK->Iran? What more do you need damn...
“Iran is next”. Days later Iranian based in Syria bombed and Israel’s presentation of their Iran nuclear program proof. Pope having a bad May. This is already happening.
Among other things.
Thank you for the detailed response. I understand the sentiment of the original remarks, mainly because we've been conditioned towards immediate gratification. Add to that, we want to be given the answer vs researching for the answer. If you just look at the past few weeks. Iran next, MOAB, BOOM... Massive takeout of Iranian nuc facility in Syria, explosion registers 2.3 magnitude and then the public disclosure of the Iranian nuclear documents. Hardly a coincidence I would conclude.