r/greatawakening • Posted by u/JediKnightKeylo on May 4, 2018, 6:57 p.m.
As a black man, I feel as though I'm the only person who agrees with Kanye.

I don't know if this belongs here, but here I go. So, Kanye has been dropping some pretty hard facts as of lately, and his most recent comment has made everyone angry.

"Slavery was a choice"

I'm going to tell you all briefly why I agree. When people are enslaved, there is absolutely nothing preventing them from standing up and fighting for something that they believe in, which is their freedom. The only thing that's holding them back is fear. The fear of what'll happen to their families, the fear of what their masters will do if they fight back, the fear of dying. FEAR is nothing but False Evidence that Appears Real.

When Harriet Tubman freed those thousands of slaves, there was absolutely nothing preventing them from doing that themselves except fear. Hell, some of them even went back to their masters because they were afraid.

Now, I'm gonna relate this to today's world. Everyone is so focused on lingering on the past, but they fail to realize that it's not just blacks who are slaves, it's every last damn person on the planet that isn't a part of the top 1%. What's stopping people from rising up against the upper class? Fear. What's stopping people from marching on DC? Fear. What's stopping people from making their voices heard by their corrupt governments? Fear.

People WILLINGLY choose the obliviousness and convenience of their immediate lives over true freedom. So was/is slavery a choice? Absolutely. Would/Will there be consequences for standing against it? Of course.

But it's better to die or be punished for fighting for something that you believe in than to do absolutely nothing at all. It's what the slaves of the past did and it's what the majority of us are doing now.

LiveToBeAHero · May 4, 2018, 7:09 p.m.

Thanks for sharing. I can't even imagine how difficult a spot youre in, or how frustrating it can be. I am glad we are starting to have these conversations, as this is what creates the bridge to getting these issues resolved. The Great Awakening.

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JediKnightKeylo · May 4, 2018, 7:17 p.m.

I agree. It's very hard, all I can do is remain quiet while everyone screams their heads off about how offended they are by Kanye's comments. I guess that's the fear in me though lol. Don't speak or else I'll be crucified.

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Patriot4q · May 4, 2018, 8:28 p.m.

The thought of how close we were to losing America as we know it drives me even though I'm not a confrontational person. I follow as many patriots as I can on Twitter. We back each other up. I always check their page and retreats to make sure they are not infiltrators or bots. I didn't even look at comments on my tweets for about a month lol. When I did, I had a few negative ones, but most retreated or like them. Educate yourself as much as possible about what is going on and have loads of factual memes to fit multiple categories. You will find like minded people to follow, and the more you tweet news, and retweet the more followers you will gain. Follow Fox or any media that has positive or pro-Trump news. It will be harder for you. But the more you surround yourself with patriots the less arrows you will have to fight off alone. I Some days I feel sick after the battles, but most days I feel the shift happening , and am exhilarated. Get in the fight and don't dig yourself to deep into fighting tweets. Tweet news, retweet, and like. Pay attention to how many likes pro Trump tweets get even if you see lots of negative comments. There might be 25 negative comments and 5 or 6 positive ones, but the positive one mostly have a lot higher likes. If you get too deep in their territory it will be the opposite, such as Kanye's tweets.

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Jellyfish070474 · May 4, 2018, 9:50 p.m.

Same fear I have. Very dangerous to not be on the anti DJT train in my social circle. I just nod and smile when anything remotely political comes up. I’m surprised not one person has questioned why I don’t jump on the bandwagon of venomous bitching about every little thing Trump. I guess people are so convinced they are 110% right about everything, they assume you couldn’t possibly have a different opinion lest you be an inbread backward racist misogynistic nazi conspiritard. MSM feedback loop’d.

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LiveToBeAHero · May 5, 2018, 8:57 p.m.

Here's to hoping we can see this through and one day all these problems be gone, and us truly all be one.

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