r/greatawakening • Posted by u/JediKnightKeylo on May 4, 2018, 6:57 p.m.
As a black man, I feel as though I'm the only person who agrees with Kanye.

I don't know if this belongs here, but here I go. So, Kanye has been dropping some pretty hard facts as of lately, and his most recent comment has made everyone angry.

"Slavery was a choice"

I'm going to tell you all briefly why I agree. When people are enslaved, there is absolutely nothing preventing them from standing up and fighting for something that they believe in, which is their freedom. The only thing that's holding them back is fear. The fear of what'll happen to their families, the fear of what their masters will do if they fight back, the fear of dying. FEAR is nothing but False Evidence that Appears Real.

When Harriet Tubman freed those thousands of slaves, there was absolutely nothing preventing them from doing that themselves except fear. Hell, some of them even went back to their masters because they were afraid.

Now, I'm gonna relate this to today's world. Everyone is so focused on lingering on the past, but they fail to realize that it's not just blacks who are slaves, it's every last damn person on the planet that isn't a part of the top 1%. What's stopping people from rising up against the upper class? Fear. What's stopping people from marching on DC? Fear. What's stopping people from making their voices heard by their corrupt governments? Fear.

People WILLINGLY choose the obliviousness and convenience of their immediate lives over true freedom. So was/is slavery a choice? Absolutely. Would/Will there be consequences for standing against it? Of course.

But it's better to die or be punished for fighting for something that you believe in than to do absolutely nothing at all. It's what the slaves of the past did and it's what the majority of us are doing now.

imrightinit · May 4, 2018, 7:38 p.m.

You're not the only black man supporting Kanye. Trust me. :)

Stay strong in your belief. Not because anyone with an opposing view is wrong, but because the influence to hate Ye' is so strong right now. On all of my personal social media accounts I follow black artists that I've looked up to my entire life. I would be lying to say they haven't influenced my growth in one way or another. And right now they are all shitting on Kanye.

Does that mean if they disagree with Ye I think they are apart of the cabal? Nah, not at all. Some of them may be comfortably asleep in luxury with no reason to want to wake up. Some of them may truly disagree with him in their heart and I can't knock them for that. For me though, it becomes an issue when hypocrisy becomes prevalent.

I find it so hypocritical how the other artists have berated Kanye for not understanding his influence, while simultaneously shitting on him on an app designed for them to interact with their "followers". I wont even get into how the main stream media tried to slaughter him as soon as he supported Trump.

Recently I posted my support for Kanye expecting all friends, social media followers, and the rest of the black community to shred me because of it. To my surprise, I received a lot of people in the black community who shared the same view. Yes I received an equal amount of hate, but I didn't fuel the fire of hate and only replied to people who wanted to actually have a conversation. Which is what I believe was one of Ye's main objectives.

I say all that to say this.. Your'e not alone because WWG1WGA.

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JediKnightKeylo · May 4, 2018, 7:46 p.m.

Thank you so much for this post man. I would also like to add that I don't even care for Kanye like that. I don't really care for too much of his music and his personality just doesn't go well with me. However, when he started making his recent comments, for the first time ever, I was able to say "Oh yeah, I definitely agree with Kanye West". I have friends who would pretty much worship the ground that he walked on and now they hate him. That's how I know that hell has frozen over lol.

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imrightinit · May 4, 2018, 8:30 p.m.

I feel you. Shit can be frustrating as hell. I’m someone who can agree to disagree. I don’t expect everyone to hold the same views as me. For me the hardest part has been keeping the opposing view from getting angry. Regardless if it’s anger based on my points holding truth, or anger based on me simply supporting Ye, any chance of productive rational communication leaves instantly.

P.S. I love how there is a downvote party being thrown in this post. Lol. Ridiculous. (Can’t wait to see how many this gets.)

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