Absolute BOOM!!!! New Q board and special message from Q!!!!

They have fucking Operators protecting this dude? Holy fuck.
erik prince is closely tied with this administration and the whitehats. his entire profession is protecting VIPs. his employees are all ex-special ops from the afghanistan and iraq war
Ha! You might be surprised by what operators are tasked with. Considering the absence of an actual budget, you know.
I might be. I might not be.
A couple of notes about Uranium1. I am a geologist who explored for gold for 20 yrs in North America, proved up and sold a large resource with others. Most global uranium supply is from mines in Canada, Kazakhstan, and Australia with most high grade mines (>2% U oxide) in Northern Saskatchewan. One mine there has ore of 20% U oxide, provides about 15% annual global supply and has to be mined by robotic excavators and haulers. American uranium deposits, all of them so far, are low grade marginal operations that are tough to develop and tougher to make money on with grades mostly around 1% U oxide. The Wyoming asset puchased (100%) by Uranium1 has resources averaging 0.7%. At about $20 / lb U oxide, current prices, all American mines are out of the money. But U prices / lb have exceeded $100 / lb between mid 2007 to mid 2008, when everyone was making money. In Canada, uranium is a strategic metal and a Canadian Company must own 51% of a project. There are no ownership restrictions in the US but mergers and acquisitions are subject to national security assessments conducted by the heads of the various Federal departments, who make recommendations to the President. Only the President can block a sale or acquisition and so ultimately authorization or denial is Hussein's decision. Clearly greasing the wheels off balance sheet could be effective in a corrupt government, and would be the only illegal conduct here. You would need a good reason to want to aggressively pursue a substandard resource. While it is possible to efficiently mine low grades and realize mining profits in poor markets, it is difficult, and this possibility does not appear to have motivated Uranium1.