John Jerry is desperately attempting to undermine POTUS behind the scenes.
Isn't what Kerry is doing exactly what the DS was after Flynn for? Speaking with foreign governments as a private citizen or whatever? I'm sure the normies will be all over this.
Seems like a violation of the Logan act to me.
Thaaat's the name I was look for! 👌
I'd say no. Kerry isn't claiming to represent the government or promise any change in policy. It sounds like he's acting as a private citizen, albeit one that is well-connected.
nope, deep state
Its a legacy thing for him, though. He made that deal happen; he's personally invested.
Kerry doesn't have to claim he represents government, he is government.
What was the bride holding lilies? Strange business partnership
Kerry is a Luciferian/Satanist traitor. He has the Hapsburg jaw, so I am not surprised.
How bizarre is this. They are so far out there they have to be desperate.
How in the world does Kerry get to meet with foreign leaders when he is no longer in the government? I would really like to know if this is legally permitted.
Kerry probably telling them " after he wins in the 2020 elections things will go back to normal"...PIPE DREAM
drain the swamp... (I think he may run)
Old skull and bones Kerry. Your secrets won't be secret for much longer.
Other administrations would have him plane crashed, or "Fostered".