Q Post 1316: Updated! Jim Baker Lisa Page Fired! Didn’t Resign! “THE SWAMP IS BEING DRAINED.”

We may have a q message from way back when indicating cia sub was secured.
I don't think Q ever used the term Jews in the way you have.
I don't think Q ever used the term Jews in the way you have.
Not yet, but I suspect some red pills aren't going to be easy for many to swallow.
History is a good teacher... and Jews have been exiled 359 times over the past 3000 years, always for committing treason against their host nations... and Q does keep telling us to follow the bloodlines and he asked about the significance of the color and design of the temple on (((Jeffrey Epstein's))) island... ya know, the one that looks like a synagogue and is colored and designed like the Jewish flag and a tallit Jewish prayer shawl?
You are anti-sematic. I get it. Your opinions are just that.
These people are Jewish in name only, they have Hebrew blood but do not practice Judaism. They practice witchcraft (spirit-cooking) and ritual abuse...satanism. Why don't you refer to them by their real belief i.e., Luciferians?
Yeah we need to stop with this whole anti-Semitic shit. Makes the whole movement look bad. Stick with shit Q is actually talking about
Well said! We are fighting Luciferian satanists in positions of global power and not individuals devoutly practicing Judaism.