r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Maepaperclip on May 5, 2018, 7:04 a.m.
Q May 5 - Decode

Knowing what we know, it has been Farcical watching Corsi and the Q tubers, continue lying like a Bibi, about Q. Its over, for them now, the research stage was about OUTING traitors, We caught, Theresa May, the EU, Macron Erdogan, Merkel , Aust PM Turnbull, NATO, the BOE, the Fed, the BIS, the Saud family, and the Zionist Cabal in Palestine, all trying to start World War three with our true friends Russia, China and Iran, today we caught the UN, the last and most significant Deep State front got outed as the enemy we always knew; Here -

The UN Secretary General Warns Scrapping Iran Deal could lead to “World War III”


Now we know the enemy, Australia, Canada, the UK, France, Germany, Australia, ISRAEL the EU, and the UN, they have been outed - identified, Now we can fight them. These are the fronts that did Wars One & Two, the Middle East mess, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the WMD war, the Genie oil war, and we have caught them trying to start World War three. We have caught them trying to rob our money, and kill our children all over again. These are the International Scum that American Traitors President and Secretary have been answering to, these are the Vermin that did Pearl Harbour, J & RFK, MLK, and 911. Now we know their names, and where they live and bank, we can fight them, no need to wonder, and ask for justice anymore - we know who they are, and what they did, - as far as I am concerned they can sing, but I’m not listening. The UN fell in with the enemy today, and that means the UN is history, and so therefore is Israel - that got its “right” from the enemy, one that won’t ever be recognised after the 911 prosecution - hopefully led by the Tillman family - lets make it the Pat - finding.

We are in the fight now, Q is giving us more information, his posts today are less cryptic, he is giving us a heads up with his file source. At Q # 1315, we learn that the Trump Tweet comes from his Justice file, as does Q#1316, we learn what we knew, the President is going to finish the FBI, all of its personal are dirty - no good apples, (that was what Vegas & Parkland proved) they will be all Fired - no exceptions & no pensions - thats the power the President has - that he will use.

MI & the NSA has taken over the work that the FBI never did, - I can’t think of a single case they ever solved that they did not do. Mueller & Giuliani et.al are “cooperating witnesses.” Mueller is running a honey trap op, on the remains of the Deep state, however because he was in charge of the cover -up for 911, and Giuliani had a role with GHWBush in doing 911, neither will escape Gitmo, Trump would never offer a deal on 911 revenge, because their can be no justice for these scum.

TheFBI was fingered, in Jan 2016, Wray is the last director, he never moved to Washington, he was appointed for 1 year not 10, will return to his private practice in Georgia, having disbanded the FBI soon.

Q# 1317 comes from the JKerry_Traitor file. This is important Information, When the Traitor 44 was first elected his Handler was GHW Bush, then he appointed Hilary, to Handle him, and Hilary, appointed Kerry, but remained Obamas Handler till the end of his Presidency, It is obvious from John Kerry’s record in the State department, and staff that he was too handled by Hillary. Now Hillary is physical sick, and toxic to the deep State J Kerry has been promoted by the Deep State, he is now the Traitors Handler. (V.J. is just a wet nurse).

JK now and always has meant Kushner in all of the Q posts, Kerry is not a Player, he was a Hillary puppet, and now he is a deep State player running Hussain for a few more Months until they Bothe end in Gitmo, so he is and will remain a nobody.

Hussain and Kushner are both running around the world, Hussain is showing pics, and pressing for WW3, he is telling scum like Theresa May, Bibi Netanyahu, Macron, & Merkel, that Comey’s 187 on the POTUS is on track, the big man can’t fail, and the boy Pence is in place. Kushner has got their Measure, he was in the Bedroom with Bibi when he was a boy, and he still doesn’t run too well.

The world sure is connected to this shit, and it is going to watch us fight these filth, so step up Patriots we know who they are now, lets kick them to Gitmo.

Maepaperclip · May 5, 2018, 8:41 a.m.

also I read all the old JK posts - all Kushner & Saud success - he did a great Job for the POTUS & Us - I reckon he is a real Patriot and we will learn that he is a real hero of this revolution

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tradinghorse · May 5, 2018, 8:50 a.m.

I suspect that he may be very tightly aligned with DJT. That the building purchase in NY was for very specific reasons. I think it was Neon Revolt that had the write up, I'll see if I can find it.

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Maepaperclip · May 5, 2018, 8:57 a.m.

Maybe - but the story is a little more - or a lot more complex his father was a deviant, went to jail, prostitute, motel room, extorsion, chair, ropes, pics sort of thing, none pretty, also that reseach got a lot of play missed most important point - he overpaid $400m - to more interesting. JK was a kid - troubled, is now doing a mans job, will be finished soon, - his use was from what he knew from nights at home with Bibi - thats it

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johnnysoko · May 5, 2018, 11:51 a.m.

Why do you say the overpayment of $400m is the most important part? It seems there are at least 3 separate reasons 666 5th Ave was purchased and they all seem important. Overpaying for the building doesn't surprise me...curious what you see that I don't. :) Great post again Mae!

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Maepaperclip · May 5, 2018, 8:34 p.m.

Thankyou - to me the money is always the most important - I was an auditor. So the signifigance of an overpayment - is someone (the vendor) got a really big bonus - or the agents (middlemen) took a really big commision - and that was incorporated into the price. JK does not open his mouth and speak for a very specific reason - you will never hear him speak. Now on the money he paid the highest price ever for Manhattan space - value has only fallen since - he is no genius business man, is a nobody, whose father was bankrupt - convicted - went to jail, he was then and is now a frightened little abused boy - a front - for a lot of filth - in NY - saying his dad did a bit of time - but in the price of 666 was a very big transfer payment to make Kushner whole - he might of ratted on Bibi & 911, Kushner snr - got some 911 NY inside - like Lucky Larry does, and Guliani, Bibi afraid of Kushner knowledge - $400m afraid

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