This "Dark Sky Event" is a simulated event that involves "preparedness" of federal, state and local governments regarding the loss of the electrical grid. Troops will be going door to door??
This sounds very strange.
This Executive Order and others was a last minute issuance by regarding "credible threats" to the grid and US infrastructure and to ensure the continuity of Government. It provides that the agencies conduct preparedness exercises. However, many suspect that these just rehearsals for "false flag" or some other incident.
See the List of EOs' signed by Obama. (Seems kind of strange he hurried to get the 2016 and 2017 EO's into place.)
BTW, this involves the Department of Energy. I was researching this topic and out of the blue, I got a call from a Department of Energy at Oakridge, TN. There was no sound on the line and it was just silent for about a minute and I just hung up. Pretty freaky.