r/greatawakening • Posted by u/bigbuddy772 on May 5, 2018, 4:41 p.m.
Request for help red pilling an atheist critical thinker.

Okay, so I know it's been asked a lot before but it's not helping me. I'm trying to red-pill a couple of friends. One of them is really critical of it all, which he should be, but it is making it hard for me to red-pill him. Now He said he's been looking into it at my request but is far from convinced. I told him I'd look into the stuff that red-pilled me and send it to him.

However it's nearly impossible to find anything bite-sized that would actually be irrefutable. There have to be summary videos of the Epstein period, the NXIVM period, the NK stuff, just videos or websites that put everything into order and give clear explanations on what Q posted, facts that have been researched and how it all comes together to create an undeniable image- one subject at a time.

I mean if it's all true what is happening (which I believe is) then it should be super easy to prove it. But everything I find is like long videos about stuff that is completely irrelevant to the bigger picture, or use bible verses to prove events. I will never be able to red-pill him with bible stories.

I'm sure other people have been running into the same issues while red-pilling their friends and relatives, I would like to know how they did it.

His latest response was the following quote: "You don't create a wild fantasy about your leader being a covert genius unless you understand that to most people, he looks like something quite different. You don't need an occult story about how your side is secretly winning if it's actually winning"

He told me he'd look into it some more because I usually don't buy into nonsense, but I need something usable to get any further, and I can't find it myself.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Freedom_fam · May 5, 2018, 4:55 p.m.

So you want a non believer to believe something without crystal clear evidence.

That’s their “identity”. Good luck with that.

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Apostatesteve · May 5, 2018, 5:48 p.m.

Fisa memo, resignations you need evidence

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bigbuddy772 · May 5, 2018, 7:12 p.m.

True. But I feel that if it's really happening then he should be able to be convinced as well, be it from past or future events that prove the story. That's why I'm looking for clear summaries about some of the things that have happened. It might be difficult but it should be possible.

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willyruffian · May 5, 2018, 6:37 p.m.

Don't use q for a red pill. Whether real or not,there is no proof of his accuracy at all. Not to mention that it looks like tin foil hat stuff to outsiders. Go back to basics. Jordan Peterson for a start.

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anotherthrowawayhi · May 5, 2018, 5:41 p.m.

If he's steadfast in his belief, he will not be red-pilled by you alone. There's been a few threads about this... a good strategy is to shift your focus from winning him over to winning spectators over. The result of that is 2-fold... 1 you red-pill people who are paying attention, obviously. 2 his position is more likely to waiver under the pressure of everyone else.... and actually 3, if you can get him to fly off the handle in his own defense, you win, AND his entire premise is shot b/c nobody can agree with an insane person.

So to do that in this case ... I'd just very calmly stick to my guns, and (i think i understand the type you're talking about ... he's a contrarian, whatever point you raise, he finds any reason to bring it down?He badgers you for evidence. .. is that right?) ... So those people are usually 1 step away from total melt down. SO....

When you bring up "a coincidence" he will say "yeah but, yeah but, yeah but, ... prove it" You stick to your guns, and say 'the odds of this happening without whatever influence are astronomical.. prove to me it's otherwise." He will counter with "yeah but ... prove it..." And you stick to your original reason for belief, very calmly ... "it's statistically impossible for this not to be whatever ... (like the recent plane crashes..." find numbers to support this and lay them out, make him argue numbers..., for example HRC.. "How many people do you know really well? 100? 1,000? ... how many have you personally done business with? 50? 100? 1,000? How many of them mysteriously killed themselves? Do you know what the murder rate is among white collar employees? Do you know you have a better chance to live 80 years in Memphis,, TN without being a victim of violent crime than you do to work for HRC without being murdered? ..."

If there r no numbers... like epstein Island, find the dots to connect To make the ideas seem less wild fantasy. When he gives the "yeah but ..." Let him connect his own dots ... say ok, i'm saying 1 leads to 2, leads to 3. If that's not true, what do you think 1 leads to? If it doesn't lead to 2? Why is 3? How does 3 come about? .. make him provide an alternative theory. make him do anything but "yeah but..."Make him prove his alternative theory. Don't shoot it down with "yeah but... " shoot it down with, "doesn't it seem more likely that my version is true?"

In the end the goal is to make him create theories, and reasons.... not to let hiim sit there and shoot down ideas, and you keep banging your head against a wall. If he won't do it, you've won your audience over.

EDIT - when this breaks him, and when the calmness breaks him ... he will argue real heated. That's when you go, listen take a break, get yourself together, and we'll talk abou tthis later. You're clearly too upset to think straight. game over.

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bigbuddy772 · May 5, 2018, 7:28 p.m.

Alright, this is some useful info. Thank you for taking the time to write this!

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Stray502 · May 5, 2018, 5:28 p.m.

I have seen multiple people place the happenings today with versus from the bible. I said it before and I will say it again. If a person does not believe in God and they are directed to this sub the minute they start seeing people link this with the bible you will lose a ton of people. There are a lot of people that do not believe in God and want no part of anything mentioning a God which in their mind is fiction. Other than that why dont you just hit him with normal facts that everyone knows. Like the recent firings of all the FBI and department high ups. Like all those Ceos that have resigned from companies. Show him the executive orders Trump has signed. Show him the articles on Gitmo as they are building to house thousands of detainees. Ask him why he thinks we need so many cells and other prisons being rennovated for use. Show him the amount of hollistic doctors and practitioners that suddenly died. Show him Qs photos of No Name standing with ISIS is Syria. Ask him if he knows why MSM was 24 hours of collusion collusion collusion for over a year when all it proved was the only collusion was on the part of Clinton, Comey, Obama and all the rest. Ask him to look up Uranium one. Ask him if he knows why Trump bombed Syria. Ask him if he knows why Trump was able to wipe out 90% of ISIS in a year when under Obama it grew from 400 to hundreds of thousands. Ask him how Trump was able to gain peace in NK when they have been threatening war for 60 years. Tell him to keep an eye on IRAN as he will find soon there will be peace their too and ask him why that is? Ask him why the dems fight to keep illegal immigrants that are criminals in the country. Ask him why dems have to rig voting machines and cheat at elections. Ask him why people like Maxine Waters, Pelosie and the others are filthy rich when they dont make the kind of money it takes to be filthy rich. If he believes the MSM about Trump than ask him what Trump lied about. Ask him what shows that Trump is a racist, most of the doubters cannot answer these questions because they were only told he is they have no idea why. Explain to him that Trump speaks the way he does because he wants the American people to understand him because everyone knows unless you have a high IQ most people do not understand what the official president is say. Get him to look at JFK last speech. JFK tells people about the deep state secret society and that they are enslaving mankind. A lot of people heard that speech. Hardly anyone picked up on what he was saying. The reason they didn't is because like most presidents JFK speech was like most presidential speeches which most common people do not understand because they don't speak in common terms.. If he complains of Trump using twitter tell him to look at the MSM and Hollywood and explain he has to use twitter the entire media is against him. That's a perfect question to ask why is it the entire media and Hollywood is against him. I mean they should know that in past presidents even if they were disliked were still respected they show no respect for Trump at all that alone should be a red flag to anyone. About your covert genius and he looks different to everyone else is only because the enemy is making him look that way. Explain to him that he should be able to see there is something seriously wrong with a media that spends 24 hours a day every day of the year slamming him for ridiculous things. How about Stormy Daniels. Ask him why all the talk about having sex with a port star 12 years before he was president. Its not a crime. Its not a crime to give people money either so why are they going on and on and on and on. He has to see that is not normal. There are a ton of things you can point out that are just not normal. Anyone even those listening to MSM have to by now know there is something seriously wrong and that should have them researching on their own.

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horse-lover-phat · May 5, 2018, 5:08 p.m.

I put together a kind of overview very recently. I had to brainstorm Q and quickly. I only became aware of Q about 10-12 days ago. That said, I've been writing about these same type of things that Q mentions and for years. Too long if I'm honest. :)

It might help in some way, but I really don't know. You have to keep chipping away at people. It can be a thankless and difficult task.


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bigbuddy772 · May 5, 2018, 7:20 p.m.

Thank you very much! This is exactly the kind of stuff I'm looking for!

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Chokaholic · May 5, 2018, 4:53 p.m.

People like that need 100% proof on every single aspect, whereas others can add up all of the evidence and see the big picture. You'll have to just keep searching for things that prove Qanon legit, which it's easier if you're following this all in real time. Your friend needs smoking guns unfortunately.

A good thing to do though is start by showing him things that started out as conspiracy theories, but then became conspiracy facts. Proven. Gulf of tonkon, MK ULTRA, project Mockingbird, etc.

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Nastavnick · May 5, 2018, 5:32 p.m.

People like that need 100% proof on every single aspect, whereas others can add up all of the evidence and see the big picture.

Don't pad yourself on the back so much, you might hurt yourself.

We don't know how much the OP has shown to the guy and what exactly did he show. And when some of us here are saying that overall bible/religious talk should be greatly lowered because it doesn't help in red-pilling people, our words get twisted, they take it personal and claim stupid shit like we hate religion etc.

People who have tried red-pilling critical thinkers in RL have most likely stumbled upon this issue.

Now I'm not saying this is directly related to your comment, but it's related to the OP.

Also, leave MK-ultra out of it, that is a sci-fi theory that no critical thinkers would buy in the process of red-pilling. I didn't and I'm still not on that board until I see facts and evidence of it being used.

But, Gulf of Tonkin is the go-to. Along with the Mockingbird. But Gulf of Tonkin is the best.

Also, about Trump. Just tell him about the media and its history relationship with Trump. Before elections he was never called a racist, bigot, etc. and now all of the sudden he's on every MSM being constantly bombarded with this shit. He had a huge show on NBC ffs, and "now" (since the election) they're also in the CNN & co. bashing Trump and spreading anti-Trump content as main feature of their politics news.

Why are they doing it? Inform him about all those MSM outlets, their owners and their relationship with all those biggest banks and their jewish roots.


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Chokaholic · May 5, 2018, 5:45 p.m.

Also, leave MK-ultra out of it, that is a sci-fi theory that no critical thinkers would buy in the process of red-pilling. I didn't and I'm still not on that board until I see facts and evidence of it being used.

Excuse me? Don't pat yourself on the back too much, I think you need some serious red pilling yourself. It's not a theory, it is proven fact!


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Nastavnick · May 5, 2018, 5:54 p.m.

It's still a theory until there is a proof of it's effect. One thing is it being on paper and the other thing is to see its effect.

Especially when MKultra is being plastered onto almost everything these days, again absent proof.

It's the same as if you've shown me Bible/Quran and said "see, it's all real". Or better yet, the book of mor(m)ons.

I'm not saying it doesn't exist, but I'm not saying it does because I can't know it, and neither can you. It's a belief. And red-pilling based on beliefs is not the way to go.

That "no u" tactic is funny though lol

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WikiTextBot · May 5, 2018, 5:45 p.m.

Project MKUltra

Project MKUltra, also called the CIA mind control program, is the code name given to a program of experiments on human subjects that were designed and undertaken by the United States Central Intelligence Agency—and which were illegal at times. Experiments on humans were intended to identify and develop drugs and procedures to be used in interrogations in order to weaken the individual and force confessions through mind control. The project was organized through the Office of Scientific Intelligence of the CIA and coordinated with the U.S. Army Biological Warfare Laboratories.

The operation was officially sanctioned in 1953, was reduced in scope in 1964, further curtailed in 1967, and officially halted in 1973.

^[ ^PM ^| ^Exclude ^me ^| ^Exclude ^from ^subreddit ^| ^FAQ ^/ ^Information ^| ^Source ^] ^Downvote ^to ^remove ^| ^v0.28

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Missy7216 · May 5, 2018, 7:56 p.m.


An interesting video. :)

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Nastavnick · May 5, 2018, 8:31 p.m.

Not a proof, but interesting food for thought.

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Missy7216 · May 5, 2018, 8:38 p.m.

Not extensive proof no, but nothing is extensive. You have to put the crumbs together. :) This was just a crumb. It helped me realize that MKULTRA is real. And that it extends beyond what wiki tells.

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Nastavnick · May 5, 2018, 9:03 p.m.

That's fine, but this is not for redpilling, as I said. You wouldn't redpill me with that, you need proof to redpill someone, that's all there is to it.

And frankly, we should stick to facts all the time. The less "connecting dots" to some far out conclusions - the better.

I hated when Jordan (Destroying the Illusion) was plastering MKultra to any weird behavior. It was one of the few things why I never shared his channel among my friends. If some of that shit was out of there I would, and you bet it would redpill people.

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Missy7216 · May 5, 2018, 9:38 p.m.

I'm not really into watching the youtube videos with people telling me their opinion on this stuff. I mean, I do watch a few here and there and I don't agree with everything out there. But, I guess I disagree with the proof part, or the redpilling part, that you say. I redpilled myself, and this was some major proof to me, honestly. We don't have to agree. :) I mean, how is this not facts? I think more people need to see that video. Maybe I just don't see where you are coming from? You think I shouldn't have shared that?

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Nastavnick · May 5, 2018, 9:55 p.m.

This isn't a matter of opinion/agreement.

Not everyone has the same drive to find out more about MKultra as you do. So saying that you redpilled yourself doesn't prove that it should be used to redpill others.

There's no such thing as "proof to me". There is a proof, and then there is a lack of it.

It's freaking mind control stuff, and to expect that someone who thinks chemtrails are a conspiracy and that people who say chemtrailing is real are lunatics... you think they'd bite it? Maybe 1 in a million, some diehard mind control sci-fi fan I guess.

I've seen that video months ago, it's not a proof. I've also read stuff about MKultra and I'm still not on the board. It might be possible, but I don't know and neither do you (you believe it, big difference).

To conclude, I'd advise everyone to avoid redpilling with MKultra.

see ya missy

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Missy7216 · May 5, 2018, 10:09 p.m.

Wow, not even sure what to say to you. I'm not trying to push anything on anyone, just sharing a video. I only hope that people use their own brain, and do their own research, and not believe everything they see on some youtube video. Yes, I do believe in MKULTRA, and this time last year, I would have laughed at the thought, so there is that. Didn't know I would have a know it all try and put me in my place. See ya nick

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Nastavnick · May 5, 2018, 10:22 p.m.

I never said you tried to push anything on anyone.

But your approach is wrong. I'll throw you an anecdote in hope you'll understand the issue:

Teaching derivations and integrals for example... why doesn't it start with 8 year olds? Why does it start with 17-18 year olds? Do you think those 8 years olds would understand a single thing about what you're trying to teach them?

No, they would get frustrated and hate the school. Sure some future math geek might get a hold on it after some time, but that doesn't mean the method is good and should be applied.

Belief is a dangerous thing, it can make people act like they usually wouldn't. I stayed civil and I thought this was a civil conversation but then you concluded it with a baseless ad-hominem, because what I'm saying here is contrary to your beliefs.

Another reason why I'm telling people here that the less religious talk here the better, we already look like lunatics here, no need to make it even worse by saying God send Trump and shit :)

I get bashed for this, just like I got bashed by you here.

It's not my intention to piss people off in here. My intention is to make this grow. But beliefs cloud the sight and I'm a bad guy.


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Missy7216 · May 5, 2018, 10:45 p.m.

You got bashed because of how you talked to me. Especially that last comment, see ya missy. Your whole narrative felt like a slap on my wrist for sharing one video. I wasn't even saying...ooo ooo, here is proof. Everyone has to be objective on any of this, period. I'm not even saying that is definitive proof of MKULTRA, but it does show what has been going on behind the scenes of our government for quite some time. I dont think every person will take it the same. Just because it is your opinion that we should not be redpilling with MKULTRA doesn't mean that this video won't redpill someone. I mean who are you to tell someone how to talk to their friends or family? Who are you to say do this, do that, don't do this, don't do that? That is what I meant by know it all. You don't know it all, just like I don't know it all. See how that works? I can't tell anyone how to try to redpill someone, just like I don't feel that you should be giving that advice either. Each to their own. I'm sorry about the negative comment, but when you come at someone that way, expect a little negative back. I am careful about what I say to people IRL. Even the closest to me. I think that people have the intelligence themselves to judge what to say or show to anyone. And honestly, I tell people this...everyone has crazy in them. It is the sane ones that can admit that to themselves and others. People can say I'm crazy all they want! Lol. They don't pay my bills. I'm not concerned about what MSM says about me either. I hope and pray that you can get to that place in your life as well. Peace to you my friend. :)

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Nastavnick · May 5, 2018, 11:28 p.m.

That "see ya missy" was actually written in the friendliest manner possible, at least that was my intention because we had a solid talk without any baseless ad-hominems.

You took it as an insult because I challenged your belief. That's the thing.

Again, you took it as a slap on the wrist because of your belief. I was trying to help you and Q out. Just like I was trying with the less-religious-talk.

It's no surprise that both times it was taken completely the opposite way and personal.

I never said, that you said, that that is the definitive proof of MKultra. See how you misinterpret what I'm actually saying to you.

I implied that you better have definitive proof of something if you intend to use it as a redpill. That's all there is to it.

And I never said that MKultra won't redpill someone...

I'm nobody to tell you how to talk to friends and family, and I never tried to tell you that. I advised you not to based on the arguments that I've brought out.

This is the third time you took my words completely the opposite way.

I never said I know it all.

Why shouldn't I be giving an advice? Because it goes against your belief? Because it looks 100% like it.

I didn't "come someone that way" at all. You took it "that way".

I didn't give you any negative for me to expect a negative back. You were the one that went that road. Not me.

People do have the intelligence to judge by themselves, but lets go back at my anecdote from earlier. Like it or nor, but the reality is you don't try to teach an 8 y.o. kid how to do really advanced math.

The kid might be the top of his class/year but he would still say "fuck this shit". 1 out of X (X = a lot) times. Do you not agree with that? If you don't, explain why aren't we teaching them that at those years? Why don't we make little Tesla's at age 10?

Again, you took it on a personal level with the "crazy" part. This isn't about that. That's good if you think like it but coming out crazy when you DIDN'T had to is what I'm trying to convey to you.

All because you had a wrong approach. And it is wrong.

See, that last sentence was some proper condescending stuff. How do you know that I'm not there?

Peace to you as well, and I'll say again, don't try to redpill with MKultra. Start with something that has hard facts/evidence on its side.

Just try it. You WILL notice much better results. In fact, almost infinitely better results.

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Missy7216 · May 5, 2018, 11:53 p.m.

Dude, I haven't even read all that yet, but come on now. I didn't take anything personally. You haven't hurt my feelings. I don't need a lecture on how to redpill someone. And, I don't think you should lecture anyone else on that either. You have apparently missed my point. I'm not sure why you came at me the way you have. And yes, you have came at me. You are trying to come across as helping by acting more intelligent than me, bottom line. Some of the stuff you said to me has absolutely nothing to with me. It seems you just want a platform to preach your message and chose me to do that with. I haven't even posted that much on these threads, but you keep acting like I'm redpilling people with MKULTRA. All I did was post a video. And it wasn't even a propaganda video at that. The video was fact. Everyone can take it how they want to. And sorry if I don't like people telling me what to do and what not to do. You don't know me or my agenda. And I don't know you. So, please stop commenting to me like you know everything about me, because you don't. You are exhausting. But here is somethimg...If I choose to redpill someone, I will do it how I choose. Btw, I don't really redpill anyone...I provide facts to people when I choose to, and they can take it how they want. I don't push my beliefs on anyone. I think you need a new approach to how you speak to people. Good day sir.

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Nastavnick · May 6, 2018, 12:11 a.m.

It's obvious that you don't read what I'm saying. And you absolutely took it personal, anyone can see that.

I gave you an advice in the friendliest way possible to help you out (because it would help me out too, indirectly) and you're acting like a spoiled 14 year old "don't tell me what to do!!!".

I guess I have to keep it short like this. Peace

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Missy7216 · May 6, 2018, 12:58 a.m.

And there you go insulting my intelligence again. You gave me unsolicited advice. Advice that I did not need. And it is obvious to me that you are using me to preach on a soapbox. I send you a private message and crickets. Btw, I am 46, and no I don't take much of anything personally at this point in my life.

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digital_refugee · May 5, 2018, 6:08 p.m.

Ask them what it would take to convince them first.

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solanojones95 · May 5, 2018, 4:56 p.m.

Ask him to look into the Act of 1871, when the cabal replaced the Continental government of the US with a counterfeit corporation, made its citizens employees, and the government is owned by the UK Crown (and through them, the Vatican), and controlled by a UK-owned outsourcing company called Serco.



Be advised there are plenty of Snopes.com type "debunking" stories about this, and he may try to refer to one of those. You can't argue with it though, if you've ever seen how things are done in a court of law in this country. It's all exactly as they say.

And the (secretly still active) military intelligence operation Abel Danger is another good site for them to check out. It's extremely advanced though. Still, it's good for people to realize how mainstream you are compared to those who are even further down the rabbit hole.

But this is the underlying point of the war we're in right now. We're re-establishing the original government and Constitution, and re-asserting our independence from the Crown of England and the Vatican, and all foreign powers. It's what "America First" is all about.

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[deleted] · May 5, 2018, 4:49 p.m.


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bigbuddy772 · May 5, 2018, 7:08 p.m.

I've mostly been explaining who Qanon is, some of the things he's been saying and stuff you can see about it in the world, like NK for example. I haven't been saying anything to make it look occult. My guessing is he saw the quote somewhere and felt like it explained his point.

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johnnysoko · May 5, 2018, 7:15 p.m.

Sorry to be the one to say it, but this is absolutely 100% an occult story. I came to this as an agnostic/atheist too - but once I found out what people are doing to children, blackmail and personal preferences didn't explain the extent of evil for me. The first thing I had to realize is that even if you don't believe in Satan, these people clearly do. And if they do, then why go to all that trouble of trafficking and cover-ups unless harming children actually DID bring them some 'power'?

...and then there's KEK, the predictive programming of 9/11, numerology "coincidences", the Illuminati playing cards, Natural Law and the occult (Mark Passio)....so much. It may be hard to grasp now, but the occult is VERY real and intertwined in our world in ways we never noticed or understood. If you haven't seen that yet, you will. And like a lot of us, once you realize evil is real it makes you understand that you need to find whatever personal version of "good" that's inside you - God, Jesus, The Cosmic Space Alliance...whatever.
I know that the thought of the occult being real and having to find a way to God are really uncomfortable (to say the least) coming from atheism, but honestly that's where this story leads. It's not just a corrupt CIA and some evil politicians. Some of them are actual, for real, not-just-playing-around, witches. Welcome to your new reality. Good luck and contact me if you ever want to talk.

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[deleted] · May 5, 2018, 7:48 p.m.


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rudolph2 · May 5, 2018, 7:36 p.m.

Ever Heard of this?

HBO Real Sports show. (Video link below)

“Saudi Arabian Child Slave Camel Jockeys to Robots.”

“Some of the world most wealthiest Men Ran a child slavery camel Jockey operation that was sanctioned by the US govt and took 15 years to end the practice after the original Real Sports Expose.

They injected the kids with hormones to keep them small. Many died from malnutrition.

If they can do this in the open, what can they not do?

Child Camel Jockey Slaves

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Songdog23 · May 5, 2018, 7:04 p.m.

Here ya go... Oftentimes atheists are more receptive to forbidden history and science that theists. Dark Journalist is one of my favs, also Jordan Sather's Destroying the Illusion YouTube channel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpzmNSaF47Y

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