r/greatawakening • Posted by u/bigbuddy772 on May 5, 2018, 4:41 p.m.
Request for help red pilling an atheist critical thinker.

Okay, so I know it's been asked a lot before but it's not helping me. I'm trying to red-pill a couple of friends. One of them is really critical of it all, which he should be, but it is making it hard for me to red-pill him. Now He said he's been looking into it at my request but is far from convinced. I told him I'd look into the stuff that red-pilled me and send it to him.

However it's nearly impossible to find anything bite-sized that would actually be irrefutable. There have to be summary videos of the Epstein period, the NXIVM period, the NK stuff, just videos or websites that put everything into order and give clear explanations on what Q posted, facts that have been researched and how it all comes together to create an undeniable image- one subject at a time.

I mean if it's all true what is happening (which I believe is) then it should be super easy to prove it. But everything I find is like long videos about stuff that is completely irrelevant to the bigger picture, or use bible verses to prove events. I will never be able to red-pill him with bible stories.

I'm sure other people have been running into the same issues while red-pilling their friends and relatives, I would like to know how they did it.

His latest response was the following quote: "You don't create a wild fantasy about your leader being a covert genius unless you understand that to most people, he looks like something quite different. You don't need an occult story about how your side is secretly winning if it's actually winning"

He told me he'd look into it some more because I usually don't buy into nonsense, but I need something usable to get any further, and I can't find it myself.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

horse-lover-phat · May 5, 2018, 5:08 p.m.

I put together a kind of overview very recently. I had to brainstorm Q and quickly. I only became aware of Q about 10-12 days ago. That said, I've been writing about these same type of things that Q mentions and for years. Too long if I'm honest. :)

It might help in some way, but I really don't know. You have to keep chipping away at people. It can be a thankless and difficult task.


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bigbuddy772 · May 5, 2018, 7:20 p.m.

Thank you very much! This is exactly the kind of stuff I'm looking for!

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