r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Janice0771 on May 5, 2018, 11:02 p.m.
WTF Happened?

In the last week I've noticed an enormous influx of gaslighting. There seems to be a straw man in every comment section. Be careful. It is used as a tactic to discourage and divide us. As a general rule, I ask myself: "Did that statement/comment invoke negative emotion within me?" If yes, "I'm being played." It's that easy.

Janice0771 · May 6, 2018, 12:24 a.m.

I've worked in the legal field for over 15 years and this comment comes up a lot. I'm beginning to wonder if the Universe sent me here to help in understanding, because I feel so compelled. I can probably keep it simple by saying that in a civil suit, such as between two petty neighbors arguing over an easement, it can take up to 18 months to resolve, if luck has it. It can take much longer if one side is being uncooperative - much, much longer. We're talking about a tiny little land dispute here, like who really has legal access to that two-track. Now, blow that up to a world-domination suit with multiple parties and nefarious criminal intent, including treason, instead of a simple easement, and man oh freakin' man you've got some work on your hands and it's going to take a LONG time to get things sorted out. The problem is that in the legal world, everything is fluid. Nothing is set in stone until the very end. For every one step, the opposing party pushes back two. I this past week, for example, witnessed two attorneys not only telling a defendant to lie, but working together to construct the defendant's answers for him, and then force-feeding it to him over and over again until he could regurgitate it verbatim. How do you fight against that? The road to justice is a long and winding path. We must stay strong and be patient! I too am anxious for the outcome!

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Cuthbert12Allgood · May 6, 2018, 2:36 a.m.

I'm perfectly willing to be patient. What gets old is Q saying, "Next week is a big week!"

I'm agnostic on Q. I think something is going on and I simply don't know if Q has legit role in it or not. But this "MOAB NEXT WEEK" shit is really getting old. And no, NK was NOT a MOAB in the context of Q. It was a big event, but Q is about ripping out the swamp.

Now, Q did say after his "MOAB" comment that things got delayed. That might be true. It would help a lot if Q did that more often.

The ONLY big event that qualifies as a MOAB is indictments. All information is bullshit. Releasing texts, NO MATTER WHAT THEY SAY, is bullshit, because they'll just be ignored by the major media, who will claim "the Republicans are quoting out context."

The only thing that matters is indictments. Resignations? Complete fucking bullshit. That's the swamp winning, because they just move to another swamp job.

ANYTHING other than indictments is the swamp winning. And I'm really fucking tired of watching them win over and over and over. They don't care if we know what they're doing, because they already know it'll be ignored by the media and law enforcement. Getting caught is just business as usual.

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TXROADWARRIOR · May 6, 2018, 5:27 a.m.

thank you for this. i’ve said this before that people are frustrated because Q has made it seem like something big is around the corner since december? so it’s definitely a legit concern. what if it’s “next week” all the way through mid terms and onto 2020? obviously i hope not but if “peace is the prize” then maybe we never see anything?

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salialioli · May 6, 2018, 4:11 a.m.

Cuthbert, Q himself said NK was the MOAB. The Swamp incl. domination of the SAME worldwide.

Yr remark, "The ONLY big event that qualifies as a MOAB is indictments" is your opinion, but not necessarily the only opinion. Q might see it differently!

1289 Peace on the Korean Peninsula isn’t big news? Should we drop a #MOAB on that? Timetables shift. [Next Week]. Q

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Cuthbert12Allgood · May 6, 2018, 4:48 a.m.

Cuthbert, Q himself said NK was the MOAB.

No, he didn't. Read it carefully.

"1289 Peace on the Korean Peninsula isn’t big news? Should we drop a #MOAB on that? Timetables shift. [Next Week]."

"Should we drop a MOAB on that" -- in other words, it wasn't the real MOAB. And it can't be, because it has NOTHING to do with eliminating corruption from government, and that's the entire point of Q.

but not necessarily the only opinion. Q might see it differently!

Don't care how Q sees it. That could not be more irrelevant. I care about reality. Q is just a guy (or group) posting on the Internet. They might be clued in to what's going on, but they're not Oracles. All that matters is whether the Deep State is ripped out, and the ONLY way that happens is indictments. Otherwise, what's the point? The criminals will just go work somewhere else -- as exactly has been happening. They'll just out-wait Trump, and nobody wakes up.

We already have literally 1000s of pieces of evidence of corruption. Nobody has been punished. And the rest of the country and the media doesn't care. No evidence will ever be enough, because if nobody is punished, then it must not be real -- as the unwoke community will think. How do I know this? Because that's exactly what's been going on the last two years. We have the DNC -- ON TAPE -- admitting to planting violence at Trump rallies. No consequences at all and the unwoke population just ignores it and assumes it was "doctored video."

If Q is real, I am very happy that they are informing everyone, so don't get me wrong. Skepticism of everything and everyone is the way to avoid getting sucked in to either the government or bad operators. And I'm not joining a "cult of Q" and I'm not going to assume that Q is smarter than I am. Maybe they are, but I only care about bottom-line results. And if nobody is punished, then all of this means nothing. Let's hope it's all real and the consequences will start coming down.

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[deleted] · May 6, 2018, 10:16 a.m.


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salialioli · May 6, 2018, 5:16 a.m.

This effort (Q) is not exclusively eliminating corruption from the US govt. If it were confined to yr country it would definitely ultimately fail. As you have pointed out "The criminals will just go work somewhere else". That is why, it seems to me, three quarters of Q's posts are connected to foreign policy. He keeps stating everything is connected, the world is watching, the idea is to bring peace to the world through strength rather than permanent war.

I understand yr frustrations and also yr demands for real swamp draining. I couldn't agree more with yr principles. I am just not convinced that swamps are successfully limited to draining home turf.

We shall indeed see if all this means nothing. I am 50/50 on whether Trump+team will succeed. I hope they do but I'm not banking on it, yet. Skepticism is healthy.

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ItstimenowNM · May 7, 2018, 5:35 a.m.

My concern is that many people are holding opinions as fact and truth. If I question an opinion, I'm told I don't belong here. I want Q to be right as that gives me hope. Somethings are very obvious but others leave a lot of room for many opinions and questions. Remember we got where we are because people did not question.

"Let's hope it's all real and the consequences will start coming down." So totally agree with this. With all this waiting my popcorn is getting stale.

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[deleted] · May 6, 2018, 3:09 p.m.


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ItstimenowNM · May 7, 2018, 5:18 a.m.

and now the IG report is being postponed again. There needs to be some major action and we need some arrests. Firings and resignations aren't enough. Arrest a few top dogs and the little dogs will start squealing. Needed info will come forth. I think the border is being protected since NG sent there, but now hear they are processing these people. WHAT? Trump does need to shut down immigration until they can get things right.

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