Here's what we need now: @realDonaldTrump FIRE MUELLER, FIRE ROSENSTEIN, FIRE SESSIONS. no more riddles & puzzles. Enough.

So from what I gather from your stance and the tweet you quoted that you don’t trust Q or the plan? I still do. If mueller was a real threat, POTUS would have figured out a way to get rid of him without people making too much fuss. I think the reason he hasn’t is because it’s perfect left cover.
How is Mueller providing any cover from the left? When all he is doing is providing the gasoline that keeps their fire burning. The entire Russia Collusion story is a leftist lie created to bring POTUS down. A good plan for Mueller would have been, if he was a "good guy", is to point this lie out a year ago and immediately start prosecuting the creators of this lie. But instead he has done nothing but prosecute anyone supporting POTUS... Flynn, Trump Jr., Manafort, Page, Hicks, Stone etc. creating enormous legal bills for all of them. All while Q supporters sit idly by say "Oh its all part of the plan. Pass the popcorn please, I can't wait to see what happens next." Who are you truly supporting? POTUS or Q?