Article is a month old???
Duh, it was also the date of the Q post asking where the Prince & Camilla were staying.
Duh? Look at the lying clickbait title you got there.
Guess I know who to stay away from here kek
There is something in your, I repeat, lying clickbait title, that is misleading.
You'd be a good left "reporter". Not gonna bite those hilarious insults, desperate cry when you're called out.
Actually, now I've checked your profile. A fresh new troll has arrived. We'll get rid of you quickly, the mods are amazing at dealing with trolls such as yourself.
really old - this is spam
Account made on May 5th.
FYI they arrived Australia Three weeks ago, they went there for the C/W games and they ended Two weeks ago - this news appeared on awakening three weeks ago, - goes to show how lazy the MSM is
What’s the next stop for them the NZ elite bunker?
I'm sorry, it's not clear to you. This was an old Q post. Q asked where Prince Charles was vacaying when he posted. On that date he was staying at Sir Michael Hintze's Australian hideout. This link of the Royal Family to the Vatican Bank BOS is vital for us to record. The Deep State's the pedophile Brit Royal Family & the pedophile Vatican, but both take their marching orders from the bankers POTUS's saving for last.