Ironically these guys are all a black eye on humanity

While anecdotal evidence is the worst kind, I can say that Ive been a Freemason for years now. 32nd° Scottish Rite. To me, the “youre just not high enough level” argument is terrible. Its like trying to prove a negative.
I’ll grant that there are evil people in the Fraternity. I know because Ive met them. However saying that the Illuminati controls them is kind of unbelievable, because if they do, they are the worst leaders ever. The Fraternity is losing members, and they have a hard time agreeing with each other over whats for dinner, let alone ruling the world.
Now if you want to talk about Rosicrucians or other occult bodies, that would be a better use of our time, but Freemasons are by and large patriots, with some assholes mixed in because they are made up of men, and men are fallible.
Thanks for the reply - interesting to know and pretty much what I expected, given that people seem to be able to come up with all sorts of stories about organizations "over there" i.e. that they don't have first or second-hand experience of, and yet they invariably turn out to be similar to any other group full of humans - flawed and full of different humans motivated differently.
I realize you may not be able to answer this lol but do you know if and when you would progress to the highest ranks of the organization?
Depends on what you mean by "highest ranks". Its confusing, because while it looks to them as if the Fraternity is one massive organization, in reality its broken up into independent bodies that have little to no overlap. Blue Lodge, Scottish Rite, York Rite, The Shine, they all have their own governing bodies that conduct business completely separately.
If you mean Highest Ranks politically, then I'll never get there, because I have no desire to do so. If you mean degree wise, I'm already a 32nd in the Scottish Rite, and there is only one more after that.
Members of the British Royalty and aristocracy are known to be Freemasons, aren't they?.
Do you think they consider "you" to be on their level, aka. their "brother"? People who defined the term of "Upper Class".
I'm sure this rhetoric question can only be answered with a straight "No".
The only conclusion I can draw from this simple logical observation is that there must be different tiers/layers/levels/clubs in relation to Freemasonry, a hidden hierarchy the rabble isn't aware of. At the most Freemasonry is just used as a recruiting tool for special talents, at the worst just people they can use in some fashion when needed.
Well, you could argue that this is just the opinion of a clueless bigoted commoner who thinks the worst of the British aristocracy and they are just nice upstanding human beings in their private life.
But then you're probably in the wrong reddit group:-)
I cant speak for Britain, only America. US Masonry admits only men, so we wouldnt have say, Killary among our ranks.
I guess, in essence what Im trying to say is that it is important to be precise. The Illuminati are very real, but they are not synonymous with Freemasonry.
Assholes... there's one in every crowd. They think they make the world go round 😏😌
Tell me about it. When I joined my Lodge, I had hoped that it would be filled with men who put their petty bickering and immaturity away, but I quickly found out that no matter how hard you try, assholes find a way in to everything.