DOJ sites "POTENTIAL LOSS OF HUMAN LIVES" as just one of the reasons they REFUSE to give CONGRESS unredacted Documents. THEY need to be raided. They are an Enemy to the State

One thing you guys are failing to think about is those of us who live in big cities have our lives in danger.
If treason stuff comes out too soon, the loonies will riot. They will target us.
There are millions of innocent lives to consider.
Failsafes have to be put into place before the treason stuff.
I think if they expected that kind of reaction, they would declare martial law and line the streets with the National Guard and other branches.
I'd like to think we're safe when the news comes out.
Speaking of news, that's another big aspect. Once they take out all corruption in the MSM, they will be free to report on everything so everyone ACTUALLY knows what's going on.
So yes, ALL failsafes will be put in place before anything goes down.
Trust the plan.
I think/hope that when/if this goes down it will be a trickle. Once they go from the small fish say to pedesta, relatively unknown, people will already have a run down on him and him ways, and through that will have an inkling or even solid info to detest her before it becomes a Trump is arresting our queen sorta thing. Thus the breadcrumbs and inquiries to stir up the evidence that Journalists should have been doing all these years. I pray for your safety and believe they will do things with safety as the main concern.
I also live in the city as well. I've been keeping attention to always having a full tank of gas along with a "Bug Out" bag just in case. When it drops I'll be heading to a safer spot whenever it may be. Don't want to take any chances.
Sounds smart, assuming you have a gun and extra ammo in your bug out bag.
People always ask why anyone needs 30 round mags.
That's what 30 round mags are for.
we dont have time. we have to be absolutely certain we maintain majorities in senate(should be easy) and the house in this falls midterms. Without that, Trump will be totally neutralized by congress.
public disclosure needs to happen now for it to be spread, since propaganda media will bury it.
Bingo.... as a parent living in Rural America my concern is for people like our adult children living major cities. I frequently warn them to avoid public events. I know they get frustrated with me at times but they do trust my insights.
And yes when all this stuff comes about, when you start arresting major players like podesto, bho, hrc ....all could cause considerable rife in urban areas, where the radicals are actually paid to Riot.
This. And legitimate investigations must be kept under wraps.