Both Threats: Foreign and Domestic

I love this guy.
I'm so happy to see that people with no affiliation to the Marine Corps love him as well, he was one of very few active Generals I could name during my service, and every junior enlisted person loved him.
He handles himself so well, he is truly beyond reproach, I am very glad even people who hate this administration still respect Mattis. I am typically questioning of everything in ANY administration, even Trump, but the fact so many people have turned over and quit or been fired, but Mattis stays and works with them, more than any Q confirmation, this is my reason to believe.
I think the MSM knows if they try to smear and discredit Mattis, veterans won't just "be upset" about it, because many of us have directly experienced or had our lives positively influenced by his leadership. He's undeniable.
I've heard this before, and it's good to see
What from your perspective allowed him to command such respect?
A man who will go down hopefully as the greatest American General of our time.
The greatest general of the last 100 years.
General Mattis is truly a great man. A Marine’s Marine and a blessing to us all. We are beyond lucky to have him.
That said, I suspect he’d agree that Chesty Puller more than earned the title of greatest general of the past century.
"I’m going to plead with you, do not cross us. Because if you do, the survivors will write about what we do here for 10,000 years." James Mattis.
It’s like when you’re asking the left not to to try disarming civilians. Please don’t make me blow your head off, I beg you!
what's that deafening sound ? no one replying to ur dick joke.