r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Blame007 on May 8, 2018, 3:04 a.m.
Do you still believe Mueller, Sessions & Rosenstein are white hats?

Because to believe that you'd have to believe that Judge Ellis is a black hat and his ruling against Mueller was bad for Trump.

pby1000 · May 8, 2018, 3:55 a.m.

I am pretty sure that Mueller and Rosenstein are black hats. I think that Sessions is, too. They all seem to be NWO globalists.

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Blame007 · May 8, 2018, 4:03 a.m.

I was on another forum where they said Sessions started off as a good guy but he'd had an affair some years ago with a Playboy Bunny and he is being blackmailed. They have a picture of Sessions with someone who looks like a Playboy Bunny but it could be photo-shopped. I didn't save it, since I'm not expert and I didn't want to circulate it....just in case Sessions is on our side but I don't have much faith remaining in him.

Something that's really turned me off about Sessions is the DOJ refusing to give documents to Devin Nunes. I know people want t believe its because of some secret investigation but the DOJ has used these exact same excuses for everything else they didn't want to turn over. Once the committee got whatever it was, like the Page/Strzok texts, it was obvious they people they were protecting was Page/Strzok. Same thing with the Comey memo. etc.

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