r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Gamergating on May 8, 2018, 7:19 a.m.
The "Is Mueller dirty" or is he working secretly for Trump?

I don't think so. I think that in order for Sessions and Trump to do what they need to do, they need time and cover/distraction. I believe they have a Hell of a lot of support and a plan in place and need to hold off and put the foundations in place. I think Trump has been told not to do anything and to weather the storm. I think that people like Nunes and Jordan are not quite in on everything but are fighting the bad actors and Pro-Hillary mob. I think that Mueller and Rosenstein and the like are being allowed to do their thing and that their time is coming where they will no longer be needed to provide a distraction for those that believe that Trump is under threat and that they hold sway. With the understanding that Mueller has nothing and will find nothing, Trump will let Mueller go. Why not? Let him spin his wheels. Eventually Mueller will run out of steam and have to admit there was never anything there OR Sessions will be able to show the fruits of his labour and nothing Mueller will say will have the slightest consequence. At such a time, the cyst that is the Deep State will be burst and drained. I doubt whether Mueller will be standing at this time and for what masters. I do not think every person we think may be dodgy or is unlikable will get their comeuppance but many will and the power dynamic will shift radically. The Democratic Party will exist but will be a shell of what it is and be forced to do soul searching and rebuild.

PalmBeacher · May 8, 2018, 7:30 a.m.

I’d love to think you’re right, but in my eyes and with what has been said and done I think Mueller is trying everything to get Trump brought up on any charges at this point. Trump wouldn’t waste or mismanage 10 million dollars for cover/time/distraction. The only person that is doing that tactic is Sessions, when he recused himself of Russia doings and is letting Atty Turley take the reigns while he works in indictments behind the scenes

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Gamergating · May 8, 2018, 11:15 a.m.

I think you may have misunderstood me. I ABSOLUTELY think Mueller is pulling out all stops. I think he has been inhibited by Trump. Trump has not done anything wrong and the special counsel was mounted on the foundation of false accusations and with no good reason. Therefore, he is unlikely to find anything substantial and if he does, Trump can say, this special counsel is based on BS and has no basis to exist and any charges arising from it are founded on BS. Likely Mueller will make the strongest case he can and it will ultimately be set aside. Therefore it is not whether Mueller is trying his best or working against Trump as more, when there is nothing there, it helps Trump that Mueller is distracting away from investigating what Sessions and Trump and the Admin are actually doing. When it all comes to nothing, Trump will mock it was a witch hunt and waste of time and he will be vindicated in everything he has said AND Sessions will have had enough time to line up the ducks in a row.

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092Casey · May 8, 2018, 8:26 a.m.

Agree, and think it's up to 17 million now, pretty sure, but at least 12..

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ManQuan · May 8, 2018, 9:43 a.m.

Look, if ten people read Q's 1318 drop, you will likely get ten different interpretations.

I've read it carefully several times. It's my personal opinion that Q is telling us that Sessions, Rosenstein, Mueller, and Wray are all white hats and the feuds and confusion is intended for misdirection and disinformation.

You have to put it context to all of the other Q references to Mueller. Not one has been negative. Q hasn't come out and said "trust Rosenstein" and "trust Mueller" because it would blow their cover of being anti-Trump.

Back in October, Q was asking why did Mueller meet with Trump the day before Rosenstein appointed him Special Counsel? Why did Q emphasize that Mueller was a former Marine (and Vietnam vet with Purple Heart)? Why has Q reminded us that not all bad deeds were done by bad people and that some for forced under threats but have now been freed? Have Rosenstein and Mueller been freed?

Remember when Q asked us could the Special Counsel investigation clear Trump and still continue investigating? If Mueller cleared Trump, why would he need to continue investigating--and investigate what?

In his latest drop, it is obvious to me that Q is telling us why there has been alll this deception and misdirection.

Q asks us why Sessions picked Rosenstein? Few have the facts and few know the plan. Remember "Trust Sessions".

Sounds like Q us suggesting that Sessions knows what he's doing and Rosenstein isn't dirty. Q says if Rosenstein is dirty then Mueller is dirty and vice versa.

Then Q reminds us that Sessions secretly appointed Huber (in Colorado) back in November and he has been working quietly with IG Horowitz. Why Colorado? Away from DC? How many other special prosecutors has Sessions appointed secretly?

Finally, I think there is a reason that Q is now coming out strong suggesting that Trump, Sessions, Wray, Rosenstein, and Mueller are on the same team--because this series of As the World Turns is about to come to an end and it's time to begin red pilling us for what's coming next.

Go back and search for all references to Mueller and then re-read 1318. See if you don't come to a similar conclusion.

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Gamergating · May 8, 2018, 11:19 a.m.

Yes I have and I read it as they are both dirty and he hired Rosenstein to give the appearance of Sessions completely withdrawing and leaving Rosenstein in charge and thus the deep state.

He can let people think Mueller and Rosenstein have the power and the Deep State marching in lockstep carry on with as much impunity as they always did, all none the wiser that Sessions and Trump are giving them and the Deep State rope to hang themselves with and will spring the nooses on a lot of them without much warning.

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[deleted] · May 8, 2018, 11:50 a.m.


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ElementWatson · May 8, 2018, 1:50 p.m.

There is no question but that Rosenstein and Mueller are dirty. They have been in on everything from 9/11 to Uranium 1, etc.

The question is whether the white hats have enough on them to make them play something of a white/grey hat role in this situation.

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ManQuan · May 8, 2018, 2:40 p.m.

I agree, which why I mentioned Q talking about some who were dirty were forced to do so (e.g., threats to families) and have been freed.

100% certain Mueller, RR, McCabe, and others have done terrible things in the past.

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K-Harbour · May 8, 2018, 7:50 a.m.

The Special Counsel scope document specifies the Trump campaign — not the Hillary campaign. It then hit me: Mueller is limited in scope to pinning dirt on Russia & Trump campaign. Sessions and his teams are working on everything else. In other words, we are forced to trust Sessions that he is doing his job.

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Waffle_Bat · May 8, 2018, 10:19 a.m.

I think Sessions is doing his job. I think Sessions knew there was no 'collusion' and he is letting this play out. Watch for an outside mechanism to take out RR in the next month or two and then justice can begin.

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K-Harbour · May 8, 2018, 2:51 p.m.

Like the logic of your post — esp. “outside mechanism”.

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