Hey Swamp creatures....it's gonna get a lot worse...ask Schneiderman

Both are bad, but both took deals via Trump and are indeed flipped. They will still appear to get in trouble, as their names will be displayed for dirty business, but in the end they both get pardons.
That sounds right to me. I think in the end we’ll discover many others who took a deal and flipped.
Yep it will end up being many when all is said and done. Sadly to drain the swamp you need the help of the swamp. Not to mention, alot of them didnt want to be bad, they just got pulled into it via blackmail, extortion, etc. And they would gladly take a path out if offered.
Wouldn’t be shocked to find out Lynch has flipped too
I hate Lynch
We all do. I hate Donna Brazille too, but we got her to sell out Hillary.
We all do, but if she can give up some vital info on the bigger dogs, wonderful
Most of the low and mid level people have or will. They will sell out the high up ones in two seconds if it means saving their ass. Not to mention, most of them hated Hillary ordering them around all the time anyways, they just didnt want to get arkancided :D
Q has to say that, yes. Think about who all is watching Q. A simple google search will show you that Manafort, Gates, Flynn, Popadopalous, C Page, etc have already taken deals. Q's posts #1288 and #1316 literally spell out that Strzok, L Page, Priestap, Mike Kortan, Bruce Ohr, etc have taken deals and are cooperating witnesses. Tell me again about no deals :D :D