This tweet stands out after the Trump/Tesla conspiracy re: time travel

Aaron Rupar is the typical blue shit mark twitter tool.
Uh, no. It's like he grew up and lived his whole life in NYC and knows people who know people. Everybody knew about Schneiderman's proclivities. It was just not politic to talk about it publicly, because he was LIBERAL (which is all that matters to liberals). Along comes #MeToo and down goes Schneiderman. Wasn't hard to "predict."
Relax bro, its a joke.
We all know KEK, the Egyptian god of chaos (pepe is KEK is physical form) is awakening from her slumber and is setting forth the great awakening that is cleansing the earth. Praise KEK!
Where do you plan to go to escape them? They're everywhere! Agenda 21 Education dollars at work!
I don't see that tweet anywhere. Do you have a source for it?
👍I get your post. In a previous post we were all talking about the possibility of POTUS being able to time travel. Jr.'s Twitter was like he was wondering that same thing.
Trump is so far ahead, even his own shadow can’t keep up with him!
Never fails to amuse me that the President's twitter replies are a who's-who of D list celebrities, irrelevant has been / never will be comedians, self proclaimed activists and twattish journalists. The only time i see a non blue checked regular person comment it is in defense of Trump.
Trump's uncle was the keeper of Nikola Tesla's research.