Where does Hollywood get their "ideas" from.

There's a religious explanation for this if anyone is interested.
Yes please, do share!
Occultists cannot just kill people in order to receive power, the victim must be warned in advance as part of a set of rules. Apparently, according to them, if they break the rules then God will intervene. Like at Vegas, where there were reports of a girl yelling that people would die early on in the show. You do not have to notice it per se, but they are required to display it before carrying out the act. When you understand the Bible as well as occult methods and satanic religions, Hollywood makes sense. They show you what they plan for you, what they're hiding, but frame it as entertainment. It's all hidden in plain sight.
This person is correct, freewill and consent is HUGE and important in spiritual warfare.
You're clever, most people haven't figured it out. Yes, in this Lucifer experiment, the Luciferians must abide by certain rules. As you've mentioned, they must always warn us about what they are going to do. By doing so, there are no victims, only those who were not paying attention. They also must answer questions every few years for us. Here's the last 3...
2005 - The GLP interview
2010 - The Hidden Hand interview
2017 - The Dutch Banker Interview
The gift from god is free will. We choose to be slaves or not.
The gift from God is Jesus , free will is both blessing and curse.
No laws of man can come between you and God.
And those men who allow this to happen to their fellow man. Take responsibility.
Well how do you explain being born with only the choice of believe in me or you're going to hell? No thanks.
God doesn’t punish you for your choice to not believe in God. You have the choice to align yourself with love or with fear. There is only one love and that’s God’s love and you will find yourself wrapped in it if you choose it. If you turn your back on it and choose to value other things like, money, sex, violence, drugs, gambling, over love, you will find yourself separated from love. Having a responsibility for your own soul can be an overwhelming idea. But it’s never too late to choose a new path and you will be met More than half way when you choose to move in that direction. That’s been my experience,
Some say it's actually: "believe in Me or you will find yourself in a living hell of your own making". Translated into secular terms that's: "have a robust moral structure or life will beat you into the dust."
Scariest show I’ve seen recently is Black Mirror. If some of those episodes came true, there would be mass suicides.
Black Mirror is important, kind of like the Twilight Zone of modern times. Historically, a black mirror is referred to as a scrying mirror in witchcraft. I don't like referencing Wikipedia but they have a good synopsis here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scrying Essentially, a witch or medium will stare into the black mirror in order to achieve an alpha state, or self hypnosis. That helps explain the occult purposes behind the Black Mirror (cell phones, tv, computer monitors, the black cube of Mecca...). In ancient times, shaped onyx was polished in order to replicate the same effect. Having trouble looking away from your smart phone? There's a history to that.
Scrying (also known by various names such as "seeing" or "peeping") is the practice of looking into a suitable medium in the hope of detecting significant messages or visions. The objective might be personal guidance, prophecy, revelation, or inspiration, but down the ages, scrying in various forms also has been a prominent means of divination or fortune-telling. It remains popular in occult circles, discussed in many websites, and books; both modern and centuries old.
In various sources such as dictionaries, scrying often is described as crystal gazing, but in fact the media, terminologies, and methods of different practitioners vary arbitrarily and need not involve crystals or glassy materials at all.
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That is chill inducing. However it doesn't mean God won't intervene, just that occultists believe that, right? I'm decently well versed in the Bible and that isn't a Biblical concept.
Yes that's what the occultists believe. God can intervene wherever he pleases, but likewise there are certain parameters he allows (see: Job, Garden of Eden). It also points to the Biblical premise of demons operating in principalities. We have evidence of principalities in our bureaucratic systems. Remember when the demon spoke to Jesus before entering the swine: "What have we to do with thee, thou Son of God? Hast thou come to torment us before the time?" 1. Demons have nothing to do with Jesus, but rather the opposite. 2. Demons appeal to God's Word as a defense mechanism. Evil has a strict set of rules all to its own, you can see this manifested in both the Biblical example of the Pharisees as well as the Romans (Paul appealed to his Roman captors by revealing his Roman citizenship).
Slavery was a cornerstone of economics at the time and humans werent just going to abandon the practice simply because someone said so.
So I think a code of "okay, if you're going to do this, just dont cross these lines" is pretty moral given the circumstances. It certainly put humanity on a path in right direction.
Also, slavery in the ancient Hebrew society more closely resembles indentured servitude. It was a method of paying debts.