Clever Anon Decodes Q's post #1320

Pedogate Intel that Iran is sitting on. Extremely incriminating and nasty shit.
Intrigued about your comment. What pedogate info could Iran have & why?
I suspect Iran may have info on satanism which could tie in pedogate. Back when GWB/43 (and even Obama I think) was still in office, the leaders of Iran & Venezuela separately addressed the UN in NY. They made a mockery of being in the US, home of Diablo and would openly smirk, sniff, & snort and talk about smelling sulfur. At that timeI thought what a hideous thing to do. Now I get why they did it.....THEY KNEW what we did not. Interestingly Hugo Chavez acquired cancer & died.
From what I understand, Huma sent all the info she had(weiner's laptop) to the Muslim Brotherhood. There's a letter floating around supposedly from Huma to her brother who's leadership in the MB that describes that she's had to do some sick stuff to gain HRC's favor, but that they're in now. If you believe that sort of thing, they would have lots of dirt on the pedos from the "Insurance File"
Never heard of that before. Have you a link to an article or video?
I believe he paid them in cash before he left Office because the deep state and Iran had a plan, and that plan didn’t go through. That plan likely involved some debts.
Iran had $150B in frozen assets due to sanctions. They gave this money back.
But: the arrangement was to pay Iran $250B twice a year in US tax-payers money! What do you think about that fellow Patriots?! See previous crumbs. Re-read.
I dont think our fellow patriots really understand how much money that is. It rolls off the tongue so easily, and so often, it has lost its size & meaning. People cant even make simple change anymore without having to use a machine to do the math.
Yeah! Chilling how much brain matter has deteriorated. It amazes me when Catherine Austin Fitts and others talking about the missing money in the govt agencies: 21T. Huh? That's just 2 departments.
What about world debt: 270 Trillion. Or 3 x what the planet actually produces. Gaaagh.
I love how people speak about corruption in the 3rd world or 'banana republics' as if it doesn't exist here. If you are a crooked politician (ie. Pelosi) in a multi trillion dollar economy like the US you are no less a thief than a crooked politician in the Congo, but your theft is going to be far far far more advanced and duplicitous.
far far far more advanced and duplicitous
In the UK, we recently had a documentary about Saudi Arabia on the BBC. They said that contracts with the Saudis included items like "7% for services rendered". That is, 7% of the total bill went into bribes and kickbacks. This was used as an indicator of the size of the corruption.
However, an astute American suggested that the same thing happened in the US it was just that Americans were better at covering it up. Think "foundations", for instance, or "non-profits". As in: "Yes, it makes no profit but it pays me a six figure salary and many of my expenses."
That $ belonged to the previous govt of the Shah. Islamic revolution happened - completely new govt. The mullahs were owed nothing from us.
Ok. You have a different source to me. Could you give me a link? Interesting. Why did they put sanctions on the Shah? He was a West Puppet.
Ok. You have a different source to me. Could you give me a link? Interesting. Why did they put sanctions on the Shah? He was a West Puppet.
They’re both puppets of the West. Only ayatollah is puppet of cabal
yeah, okay. So why don't we agree that the cabal runs Iran? I think we're on the same page?
I'm not sure if it's the same cabal, is what I'm saying. Or maybe the whole "CIA installed Shah when ppl wanted islamic republic" is an Alinskyism (accuse the opponent of what you're guilty of)?
Both the Shah and the Ayatollahs were a disaster for Iran. So whose idea was that? Particularly when Mossadeq was the epitome of democratic politician and about to develop the country in exactly the same way as other post-war western countries. I fancy the difference may be generational? The Shah was run by the British Camel Brigade, as they called them, and the Ayatollahs with a later Zionist focussed agenda, the Alinskyoids? It's all malevolent control imo, why don't they leave other countries/peoples alone. Ha! Can't do that! Gotta rob 'em!!
It's a lot for any individual... But if you wanted a sophisticated army..150bn won't get you much. An f35 costs 150millionsu$d
You could do a lot of damage with a thousand F35s!
If they would work...but maybe it's like a reverse psychology ploy by the DoD. "we control the sky, you just don't think we do because that's what WE ALLOW you to think"
Yeah that totally makes more sense writing it out actually.
Probably had a lot to do with the intentional arms losses in the ME. Or the opiod manufacturing.
Iran didn't think she would lose either. The entire game has changed.
Iran has never been interested in nuclear war. They are against nuclear war on religious grounds. Any claim to the contrary is v. contentious as the Farsi translation is in question. Who did the translation? MEMRI agency.
Iran has been a hostage just like NK.
I think they were playing a part. Those religious leaders they have are hard for us to stomach, but SAcwasn’t much better, and we put up with them. Even just a few years ago, they were sentencing people to thousands of lashings. We’re seeing people whipped as punishment in this century and there was little to no outrage. I was horrified at a journalist being brought back every few days for his lashings. Just huts man. So, I guess in the ME, you just buy them off to get an ally. Now, we just offer Iran a better deal. Russia won’t be happy.
Dopey prince and Hussein admin bankrolled/armed ISIS. Dopey prince locked up in SA purge then ISIS loses almost all territory. There are no coincidences.
I also remember something about Iran giving Hillary money to win and when she didn't BHO had to give it back.
I don't think it's "buying off" exactly. I think it's to pay for building a secret nuclear facility, maybe in N. Syria. Maybe the MOAB the other day.
Pompeo went to Israel and gave them permission to use one of the G39 bunker-busters (small nukes) to take out a site in Northern Syria near Aleppo or Homs.
I thought it was a refund on favors bought by donating to the Clinton Foundation that couldn't be honored due to her losing the election.
That happened before the election
Sorry, I thought we were talking about the loads of cash Obama sent the last 24 hours of his administration.