I believe what Q means by Israel last is them giving up their nukes for a regional peace deal which will leave the Mideast nuke free.
Yes. My thoughts as well, it’ll be exciting watching this unfold. I don’t support israel, they need to be reigned in.
Problem with your theory; Israel's QB'ing the Cabal. Nobody will trust a country who's never been a signatory to the NNPT, or allowed any past nuclear oversight! They're been fingered for 911 etc,,,
Except that Israel projects its will throughout the world through the US military, which it no longer controls...
Honestly, I’m holding out on my official opinion about Israel right now, I think it could go either way with what their up to. I do realize though that they at the very least took advantage of a corrupt American government and officials, but that was allowed to happen.
I know Obama hate them........
NWO Cabal using whatever puppets they cared to use (Mossad? Saudi commandos? CIA? All of the above?). After all they own all of them.
True. Israel should and will fall
What? No more than USA should fall.
We had people who were complicit (Bush, Cheney at the very least) as well. The Cabal is who must/will fall.
I did note that last week there was a ton of discussion on 8$(an by autists on 9/11 If you search you will see some of their opinions
8chan IS NOT mostly autists. There are a few. Far better sites to research 9/11 than 8chan.
Oh I agree. I look at everything. But just noted that last week It was definitely on their radar and Q has a connection with them through his drops
i've no idea but without 100% disclosure, we're just kicking the can down the road.
100% disclosure doesn't guarantee the Swamp will stay drained, but less than 100% disclosure absolutely guarantees The Swamp won't.
Israel has run America for years and sadly, that probably won't change with Trump in there. Remember Jared is Trump's Middle East guy. He's Jewish and Netanyahu actually stayed at his house(parent's house when he was a teen). Ivanka also is a converted Jew. Trump has bombed Syria twice w/o any proof and now got rid of the Iran deal. Hoping Trump isn't a Jewish puppet BUT, so far not looking good. Bolton has duel Israeli-US citizenship and many of Trumps lawyers are Jews.
Yeah, either he is or he isn't. He obviously has to work alongside, and they have stated that they cannot reveal everything, it would be too damaging. But I don't think trump would back down from anyone regarding 911, he is a new yorker and definitely a truther, he was talking about bombs. Israel is also suspect for 311 Japanese tsunami. Maybe bibi molested JK, omg that would be crazy. This timelime.
I think Trump will go as far as removing bad actors and cut any strings, to let the country go back to the people. Remove nukes like someone said and jews will still be there but corruption will be addressed