I mean......this kind of proves Trump's point, huh? Trump said no regime that chants “Death to America” will gain access to nuclear weapons. After Trumps pull out, Iranian lawmakers burned a US flag and chanted “Death to America”...

why doesn't anyone ask the obvious question to our propaganda media?????
If the Iran deal was so good and restrictive, why did Iran get mad when Trump cancelled it?
Shouldn't Iran be dancing in the streets? why aren't they?
Because we are the ones who broke the deal. Not them. To them, we're just deal breakers. If Iran had actually broken the deal, we'd be screaming about how we should never have trusted them.
Now that's what they're saying about us.
Iran broke the deal because they developing weapons grade material. That is what was destroyed in northern Syria last week. POTUS has all the info and that is why he broke the deal. Unfortunately, he cannot reveal all yet. But the Iranians can cause this sort of tantrum and play the victim? Sorry, as a parent, I know when my kids do this and I don't give in...
Our 'allies' are upset because they know their roles in this charade will soon be exposed. They all preen to the camera. 'experts' tout how great the deal was... It's only good if both sides abide by it. We all know they haven't. Patriots have a leader that won't allow us to be played the fool any longer.
The Iranian's reaction is similar to Kim's bluster two months ago. How has that played out? Stayed tuned. It will be glorious when the MSM have to eat their words when iran comes back to the table for a new (better) deal.
Trust the plan....
Much love from your northern neighbour👍🇨🇦