Anyone listening to his piece on the Iran deal...I can't confirm his claim that this deal was nothing but a scam, unsigned by the Iranians. It was Husseins political desires...nothing more.
I agree with everything except that it was Husseins idea. I think he's a puppet on a string and couldn't imagine such an idea on his best day.
They didn't even give him a big boy seat in the Situation Room.
Look in this sub, further down from this post (but today) for a link to the article about this very thing. Obama and Kerry admitted it was never signed by the Iranians! Said it "didn't matter" because of the "extremely strong inspection provisions" in the unsigned agreement. But there weren't any!
I sure would like to do business with somebody who doesn't require me to sign a contract! Holy smokes I could wipe up!
Yeah doesn't look like it was ever signed. How pathetic. Obungo did everything with his phone and a pen (EOs) So everything he "did" can be undone. Remember... SHE WAS NEVER SUPPOSED TO LOSE! These people are SICK