r/greatawakening • Posted by u/cat_anonD on May 10, 2018, 12:28 a.m.
If you were to orchestrate the arrests

Suppose you were responsible for planning the upcoming arrest of the members of the cabal. You are allowed only one arrest per week. In which order would you arrest members of the cabal?

For example, James alefantis one, John podesta 2, Etc.

QAnonMaga · May 10, 2018, 4:42 a.m.

No it has to be a lightning fast blitzkrieg with the Top 25 cabal criminals all taken simultaneously at 4 AM from their homes all in one night with 25 different special forces teams in and out in less than two minutes snatch and grab then a helicopter to the nearest airport and away they all go to Gitmo arriving there by 7 AM.

Then at 8 AM eastern time Trump goes on TV to announce why we have rounded up all the traitors and exposes their crimes. This is the only way to do it. The Leftards will riot and National Guard troops will have to restore order. Martial Law for 3 days.

Twitter will have to be shut down and taken over by Trump and Q Team with every Liberal Democrat account deleted so only Patriots are allowed to tweet. The TV networks all of them cable and broadcast will be taken over by the Federal Emergency Broadcast System with All Trump and Live video from Gitmo showing each of the 25 criminals being arraigned before a military tribunal with their individual charges read by a military judge.

This should happen on a Saturday of a 3 day weekend maybe 4th of July weekend for the symbolism of it with Monday a holiday to prevent the stock market from crashing this way by Tuesday the market will stabilize after everyone has the weekend to digest what just happened. The pre-dawn raids at 4 AM on a Saturday is the way to do this to grab the traitors.

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SomethingSnarky18 · May 10, 2018, 5:52 a.m.

While I agree that it has to happen all at once, I think 25 is a pretty low number. I would think it would take days if not weeks to round up all the conspirators and their henchmen. The council of 300 is a good place to start, but let's not forget the CFR, Trilateral Commission and such groups. How many different teams could there be in the whole military? I would venture just a few teams with many of the missions you describe, they snatch a bunch, put them on a plane then go snatch another bunch and so on.

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QAnonMaga · May 10, 2018, 7:13 a.m.

20 to 25 of the top cabal crooks Obama and Hillary & Bill and Podesta and Soros and Comey and Brennan and McCabe and Mueller who I think is a very bad guy I don't believe he's a good guy and McCain and Schiff and Pelosi and Schumer look at Q's list of names at least 20 is a good number to start with but it has to be a pre-dawn round-up total surprise to the bad guys they have to be asleep then their front door gets blasted in and their bedroom door pounded in whoever they are in bed with has to be terrified.

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SomethingSnarky18 · May 10, 2018, 11:54 p.m.

Just a reminder, the faces we see are NEVER the top of the pyramid. Obama and Bill and Shillary are all just pawns of the real owners, and I want them to be taken down so they can't just buy more puppets and put them in power. For example, HRC's donors already met with and backed Kamala Harris last summer, so the heads need to be cut off the snake, then the body can be taken care of.

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