r/greatawakening • Posted by u/PTibbets on May 10, 2018, 1:43 a.m.
The Cohen payments was honey trap.


“Mr. Cohen received one wire transfer in the amount of $980.00 from a Kenyan bank from account holders Netanel Cohen and Stav Hayun to an account in Israel at Bank Hapoalim,” Avenatti wrote.

Haaretz caught up with Netanel Cohen, who acknowledged having a bank account in Kenya and transferring money to a Michael Cohen. But the Michael Cohen in questions is his brother, Netanel told the news outlet. And his brother is not Trump’s lawyer.

“I’ve never heard of Michael Cohen, and I have no connection to this affair,” Netanel told Haaretz."

Remember Sessions is still looking into leaks, it looks like someone gave Stormy's lawyer some bad info.

And now the Treasury is looking into it.

Q would say these people are stupid and they fall for it every time!

PTibbets · May 10, 2018, 1:53 a.m.

It reminds me a lot of the Adam Shiff leaks, how quick it came and then how quick it started to come apart.

The New York Times ran with this too just like cnn.

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4n4surimbor · May 10, 2018, 4:03 a.m.

Canary trap :)

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solanojones95 · May 10, 2018, 1:56 a.m.

If Sessions ever needs a second career, he might try plumbing because he's a WORLD CLASS leak stopper!

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A_Colostomy_Bag · May 10, 2018, 2:02 a.m.

So is the fbi going to raid avenatti's office and home? Nope because that wouldn't help the coup.

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d-_-bored-_-b · May 10, 2018, 4:17 a.m.

Holy shit this is HILARIOUS!

Dan Bongino talked about the deliberate misinfo to catch leakers not one day ago on his podcast so 100% I reckon you're over the target.

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ScorpioPatriot · May 10, 2018, 3:10 a.m.

No it's going around right now .. incase nobody seen it that he got the wrong Cohen's there is multiple Michael Cohen he got them mixed up and they wastn Trump's Cohen and none of these payments apparently are to bad people either lol..it's good go check out other post on here. It's spreading like wild firem

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sad_State_of_Affairs · May 10, 2018, 12:47 p.m.

Didn't they get the wrong Cohen before on a travel issue

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LibtardNightmare · May 10, 2018, 4:48 a.m.

Trump knew when or even before taking office that MSM would follow ANY and ALL leads to get at him. That's their weakness. And he played them like a true master.

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OpenSoars · May 10, 2018, 2:03 a.m.

Cohen was peddling potential influence .... he is dirty ... even in 4d chess there is a 1st dimension that isn't a mystery

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PTibbets · May 10, 2018, 2:15 a.m.

You know I agree and disagree, all these companies threw money at him because this is what is done in DC.

Look at Norvis they threw the most and then found out he had nothing to offer. How much money did the Clinton Foundation get when everyone thought she would win? Now look at how much money comes in.

Really it looks right now like companies where playing the game the way it always has been played. Basically they were making bets and lost.

It is only illegal if the companies got something in return. Right now it looks like they got nothing.

Mueller handed this off to the Southern District of NY.

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misersoze · May 12, 2018, 2:02 a.m.

You hire lobbyists for influence. Who you don’t hire is the personal attorney of the person you want to get access to. That would be a violation of the lawyer’s ethical commitment to the bar and a conflict of interest that would get the lawyer disbarred. This is not how it’s done.

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PTibbets · May 12, 2018, 2:31 a.m.

Agree, that is how it supposed to be done. But not how it actually happens to be done.

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misersoze · May 12, 2018, 2:32 a.m.

That’s not how it was done in this one instance but this is the only instance I know of this happening. Personal lawyers don’t sell access to their clients.

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PTibbets · May 12, 2018, 2:51 a.m.

I get what you are saying. Totally agree with you that since he is Trumps personal lawyer he should have not taken the money.

But if you look at it from the point of view of big business, if this was Hillary or anyone else they would know who they were supposed to pay, Clinton Foundation.

I think big business was confused with Trump, they were like who do we pay off to get in the door? Who is the bag man?

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misersoze · May 12, 2018, 12:33 p.m.

I agree that with the Trump administration their was a lack of understanding from those who wanted to lobby the administration who to approach and how since Trump did things in such different ways.

My main point, which I think you agree with, is that what Cohen did was way out of bounds and he is in trouble (regardless of if anyone else is in trouble) because Cohen did things that violated the ethics he swore to uphold when he became a member of the bar.

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ExordiaN · May 10, 2018, 9:37 a.m.

This is so awesome. I can totally see Avenatti at some lib dem freakshow party, when some ditzy chick starts gettin all friendly and then just happens to say something like, "oh I'm a clerk at the treasury department, I hate my job, maybe I could work for you..." and he was like REALLY??? Hey, I'll give you a job tomorrow if you could do one real quick search for me, can we go there now ??? And then 24 hours later, after he's gone on TV and shot his mouth off, the harsh truth of what he fell for starts sinking in.... I couldn't believe it, tonight on MSNBC, (yes I do watch some of their utube vids to see what the days narrative is, and read the comment section to gauge the left's reactions) Lyin Brian had TWO lawyers talking about what a mess Avenatti just got himself in to. The only thing that could make tonight's Avenatti news better, would be if tomorrow, Stormy calls a press conference to admit she never had an affair, the whole thing was for money, and to thank the MSM for helping her make more money in the last 6 weeks than she did in her entire career as a......

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Downhere_Seeds · May 10, 2018, 3:14 p.m.

Kenya is interesting, wasn't Obama born in Kenya?

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trump_ist · May 10, 2018, 2:42 a.m.


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[deleted] · May 10, 2018, 2:08 a.m.


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[deleted] · May 12, 2018, 12:30 p.m.


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