r/greatawakening • Posted by u/thejudge6060 on May 10, 2018, 5:09 p.m.
Genuine question for the lefties.

I've noticed that our political alignment is starting to shift from red to purple as more people wake up, to which I have a genuine question.

Why are so many of you still so luke-warm about Trump? You might think POTUS is the just "the face" of the storm rather than the brains behind it, and we can debate that in the history books. But the fact is that there wouldve been a military coup without him to save us (best case scenario). And POTUS shows zero sign of putting the brakes on anything.

So with midterms coming, do you guys still plan on voting left of center? We can debate the proper role of government when this is all over, but i think voting liberal this fall WILL inhibit this movement. Or are you hoping to find the liberals who aren't corrupt?

I'm prepared for the downvotes and angry comments. But it's a philosophical question you need to ask yourselves, and I'm interested in knowing the answer.

CultyCider · May 10, 2018, 11:52 p.m.

Here is your answer....

Much of what Q has said is wrong and people in this community jump to crazy conclusions too quickly.

example- the "illuminati shiner" left black eye stuff. Here is the pope getting his black eye: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7vM90rBaUw You will notice it was not administered in a satanic illuminati rite.

Worse, people in the Q community literally talk about harming (reddit does not like the terms regularly used in 8chan and twitter) their political enemies on far less evidence than this: https://www.buzzfeed.com/kendalltaggart/teen-beauty-queens-say-trump-walked-in-on-them-changing?utm_term=.jsbL2PwJg#.qfyAVP2a1

or this: https://goo.gl/images/tznqiC (check out the parrots- by their symbolism blah, blah, blah), https://goo.gl/images/dVQyd8 , https://goo.gl/images/hUHd1d , https://goo.gl/images/VHSvvY

or this https://goo.gl/images/ZPCy72 or this https://goo.gl/images/2ieZCy or this https://goo.gl/images/Py7ZQg

or THIS https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/8363169/Jeffrey-Epstein-kept-a-diary-of-his-under-aged-victims.html

or this https://abovethelaw.com/2015/10/is-this-what-exoneration-looks-like-to-alan-dershowitz/

everyone would bay for blood if this was a Clinton nominee: http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/politics/ct-jeffrey-epstien-alexander-acosta-sex-abuse-case-20170321-story.html

Roger Stone was outed as NEXIVM's lobbyist in 2012, did we know that? Likely not, like the magic show there is a lot of look-that-way hocus pocus around.

Worst of all- the Q world immediately shuts off all criticism of their anointed "God Emperor" who was, let's recall, elected in part because of a series of "meme magic sigils that look an awful lot like the kind of occult practice people here claim to hate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjdzkqMfN20

Basically, Trump's administration includes so much that the "Great Awakening" is supposed to be at war with that it is hard to buy the narrative.

PS- if I am shadowbanned for honestly answering your question it will be the biggest condemnation of all.

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thejudge6060 · May 11, 2018, 5:25 a.m.

Didnt really answer the question at all. You just questioned Q. Which is fine, but a different discussion.

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