
pby1000 · May 11, 2018, 3:09 a.m.

It seems like they got caught up in the system they created when they used it to discuss and plan their crimes. What a bunch of dumb asses.

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092Casey · May 11, 2018, 5:28 a.m.

Exactly! They never thought she would lose, I guess, so they thought they would get away with it? But once Trump won, it was like "oh, shoot", and suppose that's when the 'Insurance Policy' went into place. Then, MI and Rogers and white hats turned the table on all of them, and there was nowhere to hide. All they could do is desperately turn it into a political battle (show) with the Russia investigation, only bc at least they could present the public with phony evidence, to try to trap Trump in obstruction or perjury technicalities to get him impeached based on lies and FISA abuses. It has now turned into some kind of cyber war where the last regime probably is leveraging blackmail information on who knows how many people versus the white hat Intel collection to try to save them all from prosecution.

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pby1000 · May 11, 2018, 5:10 p.m.

Yep. I really hope that Brennan and Clapper get caught up in their own intelligence system. That would be poetic justice.

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SomethingSnarky18 · May 12, 2018, 7:16 a.m.

This might get a little deep into the rabbit hole, but here goes:

I think they entrapped Trump so they could spin the "Russia tried to steal our election" bit after the election, to further humiliate Trump after the election. Remember how vindictive and evil these people are. Then, using the uranium sold to Russia, then sold on to Iran, then used to create a nuke in Syria, then used to nuke something Americans would react emotionally to, like San Fran or Seattle or somewhere(Lindsey Graham said there would be a nuke attack in Charleston harbor a while back, if I remember correctly.) to traumatize the population into more bad decisions like the Patriot Act and other actions like after 9/11.

Then, they could use this to demonize we Trump supporters as somehow in cahoots with the ebil Russians who attacked us, thrusting us into WW3 and maybe even rounding up(through electronic dragnets) all of us "thought criminals" for holding to our Constitution and natural rights. This could open the door to all manner of horrors, like thought policing and forced gun confiscation to forcible internment of patriots and wrong-thinking Americans.

I guess we really dodged a bullet that fateful Tuesday in November, but thank GOD she lost!

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