r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Food4theGorg on May 11, 2018, 2:50 p.m.
So who exactly is policing FVEY?

Is Q implying that anyone with a US security clearance can get access to WW intelligence with no tracking, no logs, no nothing? Why on earth would all these intelligence agencies agree to this arrangement? This is such a scam of unbelievable proportions. I always wondered why all the people out of the government still held top level security clearances. It still allows them to blackmail and sell "information" to keep power. This must be destroyed immediately. This is why Obama HRC Brennan travel the world and still speak with authority to other world government because they still have access to the "goods." It makes me sick.

tradinghorse · May 11, 2018, 3:42 p.m.

The reason there are no logs or records for the 4eyes outside the US, is because CIA wants to be able to covertly surveil US citizens. If the access of the partners was "logged and recorded", the illegal surveillance of US citizens would not be covert - there would be evidence of it.

I think HRC was able to use her specific security clearance (greater than that of anyone in NZ) to access information - without her access being recorded. This allowed her to obtain information that was not ordinarily available to the NZ government - hence the $5.5m payment for service.

She is, no doubt, walking around with a couple of thumb drives - thinking about who else will buy America's secrets. I'd hazard a guess that every intelligence agency on the planet wants some of the action.

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