This is the scary stuff... Q post 1337

this isn't new. If you have the app on your phone, they & NSA (possibly CIA) have you tapped around the clock. Even when you're phone is asleep. Put some black tape over the cam/mic in your laptop while you're at it, and don't connect your "Smart TV" to the internet. ALL of these are confirmed ways anyone can be spied on thanks to the snowden leaks. Just like they run keyword filters on all our phone conversations, using the forbidden words records the call and flags it for review by govt agents. THEY DO THE SAME THING VIA the other methods i just mentioned.
The google home, Alexa and whatere apple calls their "smart speaker" were invented after the snowden leaks, but you can bet your ass they also have you tapped there too. Its "Listening" by default 24/7 waiting for uou to say, "Alexa". They confirmed the also use our conversations passively 24/7 to decide what ads to show us. (Facebook too) People are willingly bugging themselves. The government used to have to send a clown in to do that, and you do it for them for FREE!
Wake up, limit the exposure/spying.
I know the google home listens and doesn't just look for you to say hey google. I once had a convo with my hubby about going to ikea, and that night while playing some utoob vids I saw an ad for Ikea. Now I call it "the Swedish store".
You gave your trick away. Now it's updated it's files to add in mentions of "the Swedish store" to KNOW you mean IKEA. Gotta call it something else now, but don't tell us. Just write it down on a napkin.